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covering many kinds of celestial objects. However, some people will have the need or desire to add objects from completely separate datasets previously unknown to Guide. The user-added dataset capability lets you do this. It also allows you to display and get information from a long list of datasets already created by others, such as quasars, pulsars, and double stars, as well as the catalogues downloaded over the Internet described on page 56. There are also a lot of "lesser" datasets such as globular clusters in M31, page outlines for the newer Uranometria atlas, radio source catalogs, and so on. Most people will just use these already-existing datasets, only occasionally getting around to adding their own. The "Toggle User Datasets" option in the Extras menu controls the display of these pre-defined datasets. When you first use this, only the pre-defined datasets will be shown in the list box, and you can turn them on or off, select colors, and tell Guide at what fields of view and to what magnitude they should be shown. Once displayed, you can right-click on the objects and get "more info" data, just as with any other dataset. (As with many other types of objects shown on Guide's charts, you can also right-click on them and then on "display", then turn them on or off, etc.) You can also find objects in these datasets using the "Go to .TDF Object" option described on page 8. The process of adding one's own datasets to Guide is a little too lengthy to describe here. Basically, one creates a small "text definition file" (.TDF) that tells Guide where data such as the right ascension and declination may be found in the dataset, the epoch of coordinates, and so on. Several examples are provided in your Guide directory: CD_DATA.TDF, CD_DATA2.TDF, CD_DATA3.TDF, GSC22.TDF, and so on. Each contains definition data for several datasets on the Guide DVD, or data downloaded from the Internet. Full details on adding one's own datasets is given at 21: Adding your own notes for objects Not many people will have a need to add their own datasets, except for some special-purpose projects. A more common wish is to add some comments for an object. If you know how to use a text editor, this is quite simple to do. For example, let's say that you have just observed NGC 253, and would like to make some notes on what you saw. Go to your text editor, and edit the file NGC.NOT in your Guide directory. You'll see that a few notes have been added already, mostly telling you what supernovae have appeared in which galaxy. This is admittedly not very crucial data; it's supplied mostly to give an idea as to how
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