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the colors is discussed below.) Most of the items generate a list of events during a particular time span. For these, you set Guide's date and time to the start of the time span, click on the menu option, and tell Guide for how long a span you want data. Suppose you want lunar rise/set and libration data for October 1997. You would enter the Time Dialog and set the date and time to 1 Oct 1997. Now enter the Tables Menu, select the top option, and tell Guide you want data for 31 days. A window will come up with data for that time span. The window includes "Save to File" and "Print" options. The "Jupiter events" option will make a list of Jupiter's satellite events, the occultations, shadows, eclipses, and transits that are visible with small telescopes. It is the sort of list Guide shows in "More Info" for Jupiter (page 15), but you can set the time span instead of settling for a fixed seven days. The "GRS transits" option will make lists of times when the Great Red Spot transits (is best placed for viewing). (If you just want to find out when it will next transit, just right-click on Jupiter and ask for "More Info".) The "Current asteroids" and "current comets" options are extensions of the data shown in Quick Info. Quick Info always shows currently visible asteroids down to magnitude 11, and comets to mag 15. In the Tables Menu, you can set a different limiting magnitude and get a little more control over how much data you receive. "List Planet Features" will result in a list of all features on whichever planet(s) are currently in the field of view, and which are also large enough to show disks at the current zoom level. (In these respects, the list will resemble that seen for the "Go to Planet Feature" option; see page 7.) "List Satellite passes" can be used to get a table of visible passes for a given satellite, or a table for many or all satellites. It brings up a dialog box in which you can specify a satellite name. Enter, for example, "ISS", and passes of the International Space Station would be found. Enter "*", and it is interpreted as a "wild card"; passes of _all_ satellites will be tabulated. Between these extremes, you could enter "Landsat*" to get passes of all the Landsat-related satellites. You then can specify the number of days to be covered (starting from the currently-set time in Guide); and there's a check-box to tell Guide to show only "visible" passes, that is, ones in which the satellite gets brighter than a certain magnitude, gets higher than a certain altitude above the horizon, and does so with the sun at least a certain altitude below the horizon. You can set those "certain amounts" in the dialog box. (Or, if you turn off
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