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observing viewpoint, so you can get data based on your actual position on the earth. In the Time dialog (page 44) you reset the time which Guide uses for calculating planet positions, rise/set times, and altitude and azimuth of stars. In the "Enter Time" option (hotkey Ctrl-F9) you may set the time "directly", with the keyboard. Guide is not very picky about how you enter dates and times, and allows for some unusual inputs. Here are some examples: 1997-May-6 12:30:23.3348 6 MAY 1997 12:30:23.3348 19970506 12:30:23.3348 same as above 970506 12:30:23.3348 same as above 6/18/2004 18 Jun 2004 00:00:00 6.18.2004 same as above 3:14.159 set time to 3:14.159, date unchanged 13: set time to 13:00:00, date unchanged 11/2 (or 11/f or 11 FE) 11 Feb 00:00:00, year unchanged 11 2 (or 11.2 or 11-2) same as above 11.25 2 Same as above, but 6:00:00 +6d add six days to current time -13.4h subtract 13.4 hours from current time Ap April of current year Fri Friday nearest to current day fr+2w Two weeks from this Friday 7.125 7th of current month at 3:00 7 : 7th of current month, time unchanged :43:18 (or :43.3) set minutes/seconds only JD 2451545. 1 JAN 2000 12:00 j2451545 same as above 2451545 same as above mjd 51000 MJD 51000 = JD 2451000.50 2008-03-14T15:26:53.5 FITS-style: 2008 Mar 14 15:26:53.5 2008/50 (or 50-2008) 50th day of 2008: 2008 Feb 19 50 2008 3:14:15.9 same, but set time to 3:14:15.9 50.75 2008 50th day of 2008, 18:00 050.75 50th day of current year, 18:00 2008o (or Octob 2008) 1 OCT 2008 00:00:00 y1952.34 decimal year, near April 1952 1952.34 same as above It's best to enter the year, month, and day in the order you selected in the Time Format dialog. Guide can always tell that "25 Oct 1987" means a day, month, and year, in that order, and will understand it even if the currently-selected time format is something else. It could also do this for "25 10 1987". But to understand "10/11/12", it has to rely on the Time Format dialog setting. Months, days, years can be separated by -, /, ., or space. Hours,
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