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or perhaps the local sidereal time, or some other time zone. (Sidereal time isn't normally thought of as a "time zone", but treating it in this manner can be useful.) The "caption" refers to text you may wish to add to the legend area, such as "Occultation of P17 by Pluto" or "Area around M-49". This can consume multiple lines if you wish. Make sure that the caption is turned on (by clicking on "Caption Off", if necessary). When you leave the menu, the chart will redraw and the new caption will be shown. You also can change the "Layout" of the legend. A "Vertical" layout makes the legend much taller than it is wide; a "Horizontal" is wide. You can switch the legend between the bottom or top of the chart, and move it to the left, right, or center. By default, Guide uses a vertical layout in the bottom left. 7f: Measurement Markings (Ticks, Grids, etc.) The Measurement Markings menu controls the features to measure positions and sizes in Guide. The menu looks something like this: Ticks Grids Side Labels Hatches Ecliptic Horizon Gal Equator Telrad Aperture Central cross-hair Border The first four items are called mensuration (measuring) marks. All four provide measurement of right ascension and declination, just as grids on terrestrial maps provide measurement of latitude and longitude. All four toggle to ON or OFF. "Ticks" form cross-like symbols chart showing where lines of RA and declination cross. They basically perform the same function as a real grid, but aren't nearly as intrusive. "Hatches" are small marks on the side of the chart indicating RA/dec intervals; "side labels" are similar, except that they label the mark with the RA or dec of that position. A little use of all four markings will quickly make their natures apparent. Select any of these four, and you will see a Spacing Menu for that option. This menu will look like this: [ ] Ticks on * Automatic spacing declin right asc 1' 2s * 2' 5s
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