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Greenwich sidereal times, comets brighter than magnitude 15, asteroids brighter than magnitude 11, the current equation of time, and the currently-set date in various calendars (Hebrew, Islamic, French Revolutionary, and so forth.) It will also give the limiting visual magnitude for the currently centered part of the sky for the currently set time, using a method described by Bradley E. Schaefer in the May 1998 issue of Sky & Telescope. 7: DISPLAY MENU The Display Menu controls what is shown by Guide and how it is displayed. This menu shows the following items: Star Display Data Shown Legend CCD Frame Inversion Menu Ticks, Grids, Etc. Screen font Printer font Direct to screen Background Isophotes The Star Display option (page 17) brings up a dialog box with controls over how stars are labelled, their sizes, and whether they are colored by spectral type. The Data Shown option (page 19) brings up a dialog box showing the main types of celestial objects shown by Guide (variable stars, galaxies, etc.) and providing control over how they are shown and labelled. The Legend option (page 24) is checked when the legend is turned on. The CCD Frame option toggles the display of a "camera frame", a resizable rectangle you can use to indicate the area of sky covered by a CCD or film camera. When you turn it ON, the Frame menu will appear, which allows you to position, resize, and tilt the rectangle. The Frame menu is discussed on page 23. The Inversion option brings up a dialog box that lets you reset the orientation of the chart. You can use it to make charts that are flipped north/south, east/west, or both. You can also use it to put the zenith at the top of the charts instead of celestial north, or ecliptic north, or galactic north; and in addition to that rotation, you can add an arbitrary amount of rotation to the charts. The Inversion option is discussed on page 35.
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