logo On-line artificial satellite identification

Overview of tools for asteroid observers on this site

Click here for a list of artsats removed from NEOCP.

This is an on-line version of the sat_id program used for identifying artificial satellites found by asteroid observers. Use the form below to find which artsats match the position/motion of objects you've observed.

Suggested quick start: Don't panic! Copy/paste your observations in the large text window below, or click on "Browse" to pick a file containing the astrometry. Then click the "find matching artsats" button. That will probably be all you need.

The output will show each line of astrometry, followed by the object(s) within the specified angular distance and a little information about them. If you supply more than one position (which I strongly recommend), the apparent motion of "your" objects will be shown, and will be compared to the motion of the possible matching artsats. In such a case, it'll almost certainly identify the object correctly. With a single observation, identifications may be a little sketchy.

Identifications are done using elements from three different sources. For the Space-Track.org TLEs, I've saved some elements sets over the last few years at roughly monthly intervals, and the most current elements will also be available for contemporary observations. But (a) elements aren't available for every object and (b) even if we have elements for your object, we may not have elements with an epoch close to that of your observations. And new objects come and go. Bottom line: identification is by no means certain.

Also, the program times out after 15 seconds. That's usually ample, but don't try to feed it too many observations at once.

You can click here to generate custom ephemerides for your location.

If you're still not getting things to work, or have questions, contact me at p‮ôç.ötulpťcéjôřp@otúl‬m (modified to baffle spammers).

Cut/paste observations in the 80-column MPC format and/or ADES format (PSV and/or XML) below. Mixing formats will work. Don't worry about it if some other text is copied in as well; extra text will simply be disregarded.

Or, you can upload a file containing the astrometry.

Find artsats within degrees

Add summary

Source code for this (and most tools on this site) is available on GitHub.

Artsats removed from NEOCP

Pseudo-MPECs for most of these objects are available. If the object has been tracked well enough to compute reasonably accurate TLEs, and Space-Track doesn't provide good TLEs, you may find TLEs for many of these objects computed by me.

Objects listed as 'may be artificial' have data highly suggestive of geocentric orbits, but not definitive. I list them mostly because we may see another object with similar inclination and ascending node, and then be able to link them.

Objects listed as 'is not a minor planet' have been determined to be artificial, but not removed from NEOCP yet. Some objects are marked as simply 'was not confirmed', but if they're on this list, they're junk.

The archives of the 'NEOCP Junk' mailing list contain brief posts giving some particulars about some of these objects, starting in September 2020.

A11iFlA is not a minor planet (2025 Feb. ??.?? UT) = 2024-048ZZZ = Chinese DRO satellite
A11izBT was suspected artificial (2025 Feb. 04.14 UT) = unid, i=24, Ω=206, P~1840m
A11itwS was suspected artificial (2025 Feb. 04.06 UT) = A11it7z, i=22.27, Ω=145.75, P=1368m, ETBO; AMR = 65 m^2/kg
C44DVA1 was not a minor planet (2025 Feb. 04.55 UT) = C44C831 = C44ALU1 = ETBO; P=2.83d, i=26, e=0.79
A11ihlV was not a minor planet (2025 Jan. 28.93 UT) = A11iash = A11i4kf = A11huv = ETBO, i=29.6, O=156, P=1545m
C44C831 was suspected artificial (2025 Jan. 29.81 UT) = C44DVA1 = C44ALU1 = ETBO; P=2.83d, i=26, e=0.79
A11izBZ was not a minor planet (2025 Feb. 03.48 UT) = 2013-074A = Gaia
A11ilIF was suspected artificial (2025 Feb. 01.01 UT) = unid, i≈30, Ω≈160,  short arc,  vague orbit,  maybe heliocentric rock?
CCT8E72 was suspected artificial (2025 Jan. 27.73 UT) = unid, i=32.46, Ω=3.12, P=2.90d, AMR=42 +/- 2 m^2/kg
xkos477 was not a minor planet (2025 Jan. 24.56 UT) = 2013-074A = Gaia
C44AXX1 was not a minor planet (2025 Jan. 24.52 UT) = 2025-010C = Falcon 9 deb (from Blue Ghost/Hakuto-R launch)
A11hsi1 was not a minor planet (2025 Jan. 21.78 UT) = 2025-010D = Falcon 9 for Blue Ghost/Hakuto-R
A11hsi4 was not a minor planet (2025 Jan. 21.78 UT) = 2025-010A = Blue Ghost
A11hBRf was not a minor planet (2025 Jan. 16.81 UT) = unid ETBO, i=23.8, Ω=146.8
A11hjUq was suspected artificial (2025 Jan. 16.73 UT) = unid, i=23, Ω=200
P225jxT was not a minor planet (2025 Jan. 07.69 UT) = 2011-037A = Spektr-R
CCNY502 was not a minor planet (2025 Jan. 06.58 UT) = unid,  i=31.3,  Ω=129.5, P≈1.8 days,  high area/mass ratio
MZ0102A was not a minor planet (2025 Jan. 06.58 UT) = unid,  i=27.7,  Ω=26.8, P=864m
CCNT4U2 was not a minor planet (2025 Jan. 06.58 UT) =  unid,  i=80,  Ω=151, P≈2.9 days
X85020 was not a minor planet (2025 Jan. 06.57 UT) = 2023-092A = Euclid
X85009 was not a minor planet (2025 Jan. 04.92 UT) = 2019-040A = Spektr-RG
A11gQxu was not a minor planet (2025 Jan. 01.77 UT) = unid, i=10, Ω=118, P≈1.2 days
ZTs0352 was not a minor planet (2025 Jan. 01.67 UT) = 2023-092A = Euclid
A11fMa7 was not a minor planet (2024 Dec. 27.80 UT) = unid, i=12, Ω=93, P at least 1.5 days or maybe heliocentric?
A11g2Ez was not a minor planet (2024 Dec. 21.83 UT) = 2015-011A, B, C, or D = Multiscale Magnetospheric Satellite (can't tell which one,  but probably B or C)
A11fW5v was not a minor planet (2024 Dec. 20.71 UT) = unid, i=6, Ω≈148, P≈1 day
A11fi28 was not confirmed (2024 Dec. 18.05 UT) = unid, i=7, Ω=50, P≈1700m
A11eZyT was not confirmed (2024 Dec. 14.75 UT) = unid, i=7.8, Ω=350.4, P≈1700m
THAX00a was not a minor planet (2024 Dec. 11.33 UT) = probable minor planet
A11eZyP was not a minor planet (2024 Dec. 07.77 UT) = unid, i=17, Ω=270, P≈1650m
A11fcEq was not a minor planet (2024 Dec. 07.77 UT) = unid, i=31.4, Ω=327, P≈1800m
A11eXuB was not a minor planet (2024 Dec. 07.77 UT) = unid, i=6.5, Ω=127.5, P≈1660m
A11eZyR was not a minor planet (2024 Dec. 07.76 UT) = unid, i=7.3, Ω=129.7, P=1360m, H=28.7 (probably not an ETBO)
A11flWC was not a minor planet (2024 Dec. 07.76 UT) = unid, i=16.5, Ω=73.2, P=1540m
A11f7Zd was not a minor planet (2024 Dec. 07.76 UT) = unid, i=9.5, Ω=136.2, P=1220m
ZTs0346 was not confirmed (Dec. 7.71 UT) = unid, i=18 +/- 9, Ω=125 +/- 3, very uncertain
A11eZyS was not confirmed (2024 Dec. 06.30 UT) = unid, i=6, Ω=139, NEOCP
A11eXj8 was not confirmed (2024 Dec. 06.05 UT) = unid, i=7, Ω=212 +/- 7,  may be heliocentric (but I doubt it)
A11epLY was not a minor planet (2024 Nov. 21.77 UT) = 2000-045B = NORAD 26464 = 'Tango' Cluster-II
A11dPcF was not a minor planet (2024 Nov. 12.44 UT) = 2022-157B = NORAD 54260 = Falcon 9 upper stage hitting atmospheric drag
A11dXi4 was not a minor planet (2024 Nov. 12.44 UT) = unid, i=37.9, Ω=350.6, P=1402m,  ETBO
RdSH407 was not a minor planet (2024 Nov. 12.40 UT) = not identified as an artsat;  possible minor planet
A11e7Ki was not a minor planet (2024 Nov. 11.83 UT) = 2023-137E = SLIM booster
Sar2783 was not a minor planet (2024 Nov. 09.94 UT) = 'Multijunk'
A11d6Ft was not confirmed (2024 Nov. 08.84 UT) = unid, i=3, Ω=158, H=29.6, P≈1.75d;  possible fragment of Intelsat IS-33e?
A11d6Fu was not confirmed (2024 Nov. 04.96 UT) = unid, i=4, Ω=158, H=30.8, P≈1.75d;  possible fragment of Intelsat IS-33e?
C43QLG1 was not a minor planet (2024 Oct. 31.20 UT) = unid, i=25.5, Ω=252.1, P=861m
CC4G8Y2 was not a minor planet (2024 Oct. 29.69 UT) = unid fragment from 1967-040, i=18.4, Ω=217.4, H=34.2, P=2.00 days
A11d6Fy was not confirmed (2024 Oct. 25.92 UT) = 2023-137E = SLIM booster
A11cz8d was not a minor planet (2024 Oct. 16.73 UT) = A11cHg4 = ETBO, i=13.3, Ω=131.3, odd AMR=8.7±0.6 m²/kg
CC2GMA2 was not a minor planet (2024 Oct. 15.52 UT) = 2024-182A = Europa Clipper
CC2GM92 was not a minor planet (2024 Oct. 15.50 UT) = 2024-182B = Falcon Heavy stage for Europa Clipper
A11cM9N was not confirmed (2024 Oct. 15.00) = unid, i≈10, Ω≈97;  short arc,  may not be junk
A11cPAW was not a minor planet (2024 Oct. 14.70) = unid, i=15, Ω=281, P=1352m;  fairly good orbit
ZTs0321 was not confirmed (2024 Oct. 14.67) = unid, i=11, Ω=277, P≈1 day
A11cHg4 was not a minor planet (2024 Oct. 09.63 UT) = A11cz8d = ETBO, i=13.3, Ω=131.3
C43LR41 was not a minor planet (2024 Oct. 09.48 UT) = A11bTdy = C10FYW3 = ETBO, i=9.4, Ω=248.0
C10FYW3 was not a minor planet (2024 Oct. 09.48 UT) = A11bTdy = C43LR41 = ETBO, i=9.4, Ω=248.0
A11cEjb was not a minor planet (2024 Oct. 08.99 UT) = Allcz8b = ZTs0318 = ETBO,  i=24, Ω=320
A11cz8b was not a minor planet (2024 Oct. 08.99 UT) = A11cEjb = ZTs0318 = ETBO,  i=24, Ω=320
ZTs0318 was not a minor planet (2024 Oct. 08.99 UT) = A11cz8b = A11cEjb = ETBO,  i=24, Ω=320
A11cbVQ was not a minor planet (2024 Oct. 08.99 UT) = unid,  i=14, Ω=232
A11cg26 was not confirmed (2024 Oct. 08.63 UT) = unid, i=12, Ω=330,  P probably about 1.8 days
A11cbVV was not a minor planet (2024 Oct. 07.86 UT) = A11c8HQ = A11aDOM = ETBO, i=12.6, Ω=22.9
C43KHJ1 = A11cvun = A11cvui was not a minor planet (2024 Oct. 06.10 UT) = 2024-179A = Vulcan Centaur test
A11c8HQ was not a minor planet (2024 Oct. 02.55 UT) = A11cbVV = A11aDOM = ETBO, i=12.6, Ω=22.9
A11bP7G was not a minor planet (2024 Sep. 29.02 UT) = ZTs0276 = ETBO, i=24.3, Ω=356.1, P=1375m
A11bHPt was not confirmed (2024 Sep. 29.13 UT) = unid, i=6, Ω=282, P~1.2 days
CAVTAK2 was not confirmed (2024 Sep. 30.84 UT) = unidentified bit from 1967-040 (Vela 4) launch;  i=18, Ω=217, P~2 days
A11aVIq was not confirmed (2024 Sep. 25.96 UT) = ZTs0264, i=11.5, Ω= 297.0, P=1661m
A11ayl3 was not confirmed (2024 Sep. 13.71 UT) = 2024-115A = NORAD 60086 = SES-24 = Astra 1P (geostationary communications satellite)
A11aDOM was not confirmed (2024 Sept. 13.63 UT) = A11c8HQ = A11cbVV = ETBO, i=12.6, Ω=22.9
ZTs0297 was not a minor planet (Sept. 11.54 UT) = 'Multijunk'
ZTs0276 was not confirmed (Sept. 10.67 UT) = A11bP7G = ETBO, i=24.3, Ω=356.1, P=1375m
P11YBmN was not a minor planet (2024 Sep. 11.54 UT) = 2019-040A = Spektr-RG
C43DFK1 was not a minor planet (2024 Sep. 07.69 UT) = 'Multijunk'
A11aJn1 was not confirmed (2024 Sep. 10.63 UT) = ZTs0274 = ZTs0271 = A11a8W6
A11aCVf was not confirmed (2024 Sep. 08.75 UT) = 2024-115A = NORAD 60086 = SES-24 = Astra 1P (geostationary communications satellite)
ZTs0264 was not confirmed (2024 Sep. 03.75 UT) = A11aVIq, i=11.5, Ω= 297.0, P=1661m
ZTs0275 was not a minor planet (2024 Sep. 01.86 UT) = ZTs0269
ZTs0269 was not a minor planet (2024 Sep. 01.86 UT) = ZTs0275
ZTs0274 was not a minor planet (2024 Sep. 01.86 UT) = ZTs0271 = A11a8W6
A11an0i was not a minor planet (2024 Sep. 01.86 UT) = A117FFg = A117ydL = A119tKo
ZTs0271 was not a minor planet (2024 Sep. 01.65 UT) = ZTs0274 = A11a8W6
A11a8W6 was not confirmed (2024 Aug. 31.84 UT) = ZTs0271 = ZTs0274
A11afOI was not a minor planet (Aug. 30.33 UT) = A11acbV
A119QDa was not a minor planet (2024 Aug. 30.33 UT) =  A119H5O, i=30, Ω=26, P=1446m, ETBO
A11a0Ff = A11a1Gk was not a minor planet (2024 Aug. 29.29 UT) = 2024-048B = A116cgx = booster for Chinese lunar mission in DRO
A11acbV = A11afxz was not a minor planet (2024 Aug. 29.28 UT) =  2024-048A = Chinese lunar mission in DRO
xkos441 was not a minor planet (2024 Aug. 12.21 UT) = 'Multijunk'
A118T0G was not a minor planet (2024 July 28.87 UT) = A116XpY = A117bbC = A118NyU = A118NyU = ETBO,  i=35.9, Ω=66.9, P=1431m
A118NyU was not a minor planet (2024 July 28.87 UT) = A116XpY = A117bbC = A118s6l = A118T0G = ETBO,  i=35.9, Ω=66.9, P=1431m
A118s6l was not a minor planet (2024 July 19.63 UT) = A116XpY = A117bbC = A118NyU = A118T0G = ETBO,  i=35.9, Ω=66.9, P=1431m
A118n8v was not confirmed (2024 July 17.63 UT) = A1188rT = A1188rU = ETBO, i=26, Ω=355, P=1509m
A1182qm was not confirmed (2024 July 13.42 UT) = unknown, i=9.4, Ω=241.5
A1189Fm was not a minor planet (2024 July 11.97 UT) = A116A0b = A118l9Q = A118n8s = ETBO, i=28.5, Ω=303.3, P=1606m
A118l9Q was not a minor planet (2024 July 11.97 UT) = A116A0b = A1189Fm = A118n8s = ETBO, i=28.5, Ω=303.3, P=1606m
A118n8s was not a minor planet (2024 July 11.97 UT) = A116A0b = A1189Fm = A118l9Q = ETBO, i=28.5, Ω=303.3, P=1606m
A118kR6 was not a minor planet (2024 July 09.95 UT) = either 2000-041A (Samba) or 2000-045B (Tango);  they're too close together to distinguish
A118fDH was not a minor planet (2024 July 09.95 UT) = A117Xgj = ETBO, i=33.8, Ω=332.4
P11Wbdw was not a minor planet (2024 July 06.86 UT) = JUICE = 2023-053A = NORAD 56176
ZTs0234 was not confirmed (2024 July 04.75 UT) = unknown, i=14, Ω=288, P probably > 1 day (not well defined)
ZTs0229 was not confirmed (2024 June 29.34 UT) = unknown, i=15, Ω=19, P≈2.2 days
A117FF3 was not a minor planet (2024 June 27.55 UT) = Chang'e-6 = 2024-083A = NORAD 59627
A117ydL was not confirmed (2024 June 22.75 UT) = A117FFg = ETBO, i=13.7, Ω=298.7, P=1728m
A117zOa was not a minor planet (2024 June 20.76 UT) = 2023-075B (encountering atmospheric drag,  not on Space-Track's prediction)
A117dIm was not confirmed (2024 June 17.96 UT) = A116b6z, i=4, Ω=289
A117bbC was not a minor planet (2024 June 08.71 UT) = A116XpY, i=32, Ω=66
RdSH354 was a minor planet (2024 June 05.97 UT) = probably a main-belt rock or NEO;  definitely not an artsat
A117bbx was not a minor planet (2024 June 05.83 UT) = TMG0091, i=12, Ω=65
RdSH345 was a minor planet (2024 May 29.04 UT) = probably a main-belt rock or NEO;  definitely not an artsat
A116Gfp was not confirmed,  but probably artificial (2024 May 23.59 UT) = unid,  i≈6, Ω≈263;  might actually be a rock,  but I doubt it
A116Qa3 was not a minor planet (2024 May 23.48 UT) = 2024-059A = NORAD 59346 = EUTE 36X
A116A0b was not a minor planet (2024 May 21.96 UT) = A1189Fm = A118l9Q = A118n8s = ETBO, i=28.5, Ω=303.3, P=1606m
A116CgX was not a minor planet (2024 May 15.96 UT) = A116I21,  unid,  i=27.80, Ω=0.7, P=3258m,  not an ETBO
A116I21 was not a minor planet (2024 May 15.96 UT) = A116CgX,  unid,  i=27.80, Ω=0.7, P=3258m,  not an ETBO
A116vrz was not confirmed (2024 May 14.30 UT) = unknown, i=20, Ω=338
ZTs0219 is not a minor planet (2024 May 13.67 UT) = 'Multijunk'
CALF532 = 2024 JV8 is not a minor planet (2024 May 10.46) = 2024-030B = IM-1 booster (deletion notice)
ZTs0218 is not a minor planet (2024 May 08.77 UT) = A115oNJ = A11649f = A116qrc; i=12, Ω=38
A116qre is not a minor planet (2024 May 08.77 UT) = unknown, i=10, Ω=77, P≈1.2 day
A116k8b is not a minor planet (2024 May 08.77 UT) = unknown, i=22, Ω=328, P≈0.9 day
A116awC is not a minor planet (2024 May 08.77 UT) =  SLIM booster = 2023-137E = NORAD 57804
A116qrc is not a minor planet (2024 May 07.40 UT) = A115oNJ = A11649f = ZTs0218; i=12, Ω=38
A1167Km is not a minor planet (2024 May 06.71 UT) = A10Zuus = A10Zol2, i=9.4, Ω=292, P=1731m,  ETBO
ZTs0215 is not a minor planet (2024 May 05.63 UT) = 'Multijunk'
A1167Ko is not a minor planet (2024 May 04.30 UT) = unknown, i=17, Ω=243, P≈1 day
A1162EX is not a minor planet (2024 Apr. 30.30 UT) = unknown, i=16, Ω=347, H=25.5 (probably not an ETBO), P≈1 day
A115Vyy was not a minor planet (2024 Apr. 24.09 UT) = unknown, i=7, Ω=86
A115VyB was not a minor planet (2024 Apr. 24.09 UT) = A115oNJ = A11649f; i=12, Ω=38
A115fct was not a minor planet (2024 Mar. 22.49 UT) = 2024-051C = Tiandu-1 (maybe 2024-051D = Tiandu-2)
A115NMf was not a minor planet (2024 Apr. 21.67 UT) = A112aeo = A112t8g = A113iI2 = ETBO; i=12, Ω=54, P=1850m
A115fcb was not a minor planet (2024 Mar. 21.69 UT) = 2024-051B = Queqiao-2 booster
A115fck was not a minor planet (2024 Mar. 21.69 UT) = 2024-051A = Queqiao-2
ZTs0196 is probably not a minor planet (2024 Mar. 04.55 UT) = unid, i=18, Ω=278
A114ony is not a minor planet (2024 Feb. 26.77 UT) = 2023-118B = NORAD 57601 = Luna-25 booster
A113Vwd is not a minor planet (2024 Feb. 13.91 UT) = unknown,  big (H=27), i=25.9 , Ω=26.1;  probably recent launch
ZTs0201 is not a minor planet (2024 Feb. 13.91 UT) = A10ZsPt = A10Zv6L , i=39, Ω=357;  ETBO
ZTs0200 is not a minor planet (2024 Feb. 13.91 UT) = A1123SR , i=35.8, Ω=343.9, ETBO
ZTs0199 is not a minor planet (2024 Feb. 13.91 UT) = 'Multijunk'
A113PTq is not a minor planet (2024 Feb. 13.91 UT) = A10ZsPt = A10Zv6L, i=39, Ω=357;  ETBO
A113puI is not a minor planet (2024 Feb. 13.91 UT) = A10Zuus = A10Zol2 = A112zvF,  i=17, Ω=323;  ETBO
P21R9KU is not a minor planet (2024 Feb. 09.88 UT) = 2013-074A = Gaia
TMG0091 is not a minor planet (2024 Feb. 09.69 UT) = unknown, i=10.1, Ω=112, P=1690m
A1134TC is not a minor planet (2024 Feb. 04.55 UT) = A10YXDU = A10Zet8, i=38, Ω=334, ETBO
A112WW5 is not a minor planet (2024 Jan. 28.55 UT) = A10ZokQ = A10Zf0T; ETBO
A112Ikb is not a minor planet (2024 Jan. 21.72 UT) = A111B8V = A10Zv9c, i=30.3, Ω=6.7, P=1856m = 2023-098B = SLIM booster
A112zvF is not a minor planet (2024 Jan. 21.09 UT) = A10Zuus = A113puI = unkn, i=22, Ω≈324, P≈1700m,  ETBO
CA5LFK2 is not a minor planet (2024 Jan. 19.09 UT) = probable bit from 1969-046 launch (P=2.2d, i=18.8, Ω=278.9)
A111RRN is not a minor planet (2024 Jan. 15.63 UT) = A10ZEt3 = A10YXDY = ZTs0175, i=31, Ω=340;  ETBO
A111B8R is suspected artificial (2024 Jan. 12.17 UT) = A10YHKC, unid, i=34, Ω=293
A1123SR is suspected artificial (2024 Jan. 12.09 UT) = ZTs0199, i=35.8, Ω=343.9, ETBO
gb00671 was not a minor planet (2024 Jan. 09.93 UT) = 2024-006B = Peregrine Centaur
A111B8Y is suspected artificial (2024 Jan. 08.78 UT) = unid, i=48, Ω=34
A111B8V is not a minor planet (2024 Jan. 03.95 UT) = A10Zv9c, i=30.3, Ω=6.7, P=1856m = 2023-098B = SLIM booster
A10ZEt3 is not a minor planet (2024 Jan. 03.95 UT) = A111RRN = A10YXDY = ZTs0175, i=31, Ω=340
A111B8Z does not exist (2024 Jan. 03.79 UT) = unid, i=39, Ω=14;  not totally convinced it's a DNE
A10Zv9c is not a minor planet (2023 Dec. 25.89 UT) = A111B8V, i=30.3, Ω=6.7, P=1856m = 2023-098B = SLIM booster
A10Zux2 may be artificial (2023 Dec. 28.55); i≈26, Ω≈260, P≈1 day;  could be a rock
A10Zv6L is not a minor planet (2023 Dec. 24.70 UT) = A10ZsPt = ETBO, i=38.3, Ω=7.9, P=1401m
A10Zuus was not a minor planet (2023 Dec. 23.76 UT) = A112zvF = unkn, i=22, Ω≈324, P≈1700m
A10ZsPq = A10AZsPp (2023 Dec. 22.88 UT)
A10ZsPt is suspected artificial (2023 Dec. 21.81 UT) = A10Zv6L = ETBO, i=38.3, Ω=7.9, P=1401m
gb00667 is not a minor planet (2023 Dec. 20.97 UT) = XL8D89E (mystery object in three-month orbit)
A10ZsPp is suspected artificial (2023 Dec. 18.93 UT) = unkn, i=21, Ω=290, P≈1400m
A10Zet8 is not a minor planet (2023 Dec. 16.01 UT) = A10YXDU = ETBO,  i=35.38, Ω=342.1, P=1399m
A10YXDZ is not a minor planet (2023 Dec. 14.76 UT) = A10Yz2p,  i=34.3, Ω≈337.6, P=1407m;  ETBO
ZTs0175 is not a minor planet (2023 Dec. 14.10 UT) = A10YXDY,  i=30.4, Ω=344.8, P=1581m; ETBO
A10YNZf is not a minor planet (2023 Dec. 13.35 UT) = SLIM booster = 2023-137E = NORAD 57804
A10YXDU is not a minor planet (2023 Dec. 12.06 UT) = A10Zet8,  i=35.38, Ω=342.1, P=1399m; ETBO
A10YXDV is not a minor planet (2023 Dec. 11.93 UT) = unkn, i=34.7, Ω=341.1, P≈1680m; probable ETBO
A10YXDY is not a minor planet (2023 Dec. 11.66 UT) = ZTs0175,  i=30.4, Ω=344.8, P=1581m,  ETBO
A10Yz2p was suspected artificial (2023 Dec. 07.97 UT) = A10YXDZ,  i=34.3, Ω≈337.6, P=1407m;  ETBO
A10YxD2 is not a minor planet (2023 Dec. 06.97 UT) = unid, i=31.0, Ω=345.7, P=1448m;  orbit well determined;  ETBO
TMG0088 is probably not a minor planet (2023 Nov. 26.34 UT) = unid, i=56.5, O=210.6, P≈1059m;  maybe a rock?
A10YmM7 is not a minor planet (2023 Nov 24.06 UT) = Chandrayaan-3 propulsion module
A10Yj4d is not a minor planet (2023 Nov. 21.91 UT) = A10YhVb, i=25.7, Ω=34.2, P=1450m; ETBO
A10YhVb is not a minor planet (2023 Nov. 20.64 UT) = A10Yj4d, i=25.7, Ω=34.2, P=1450m; ETBO
A10Y8MP is not a minor planet (2023 Nov. 15.49 UT) = unid, i=34.88, Ω=349.10, P=1610m;  ETBO (three-day arc)
A10Y0LI is not a minor planet (2023 Nov. 12.89 UT) = unid, i=18.8, Ω=299.1, P≈1715m
A10XNS0 is not a minor planet (2023 Nov. 06.92 UT) = Cluster II-FM8 or FM7, P=3255m, i=137.2
A10XrSw is not a minor planet (2023 Oct. 21.60 UT) = A10XB90 = A10Wg15 = unidentified ETBO, i=30.5, Ω=352.7, P=1497m
A10XB90 is not a minor planet (2023 Oct. 21.60 UT) = A10XrSw = A10Wg15 = unidentified ETBO, i=30.5, Ω=352.7, P=1497m
A10XBYX is not a minor planet (2023 Oct. 21.60 UT) = 2016-038C = NORAD 41590 = Falcon 9-026 Stage 2
C3X8PK1 may not be a minor planet (2023 Oct. 19.97 UT) = unid, i=142.2, Ω=225, P≈16 days
C9P4482 is not a minor planet (2023 Oct. 13.73 UT) = 2023-154C = Kuiper test Centaur
C3VPP81 is not a minor planet (2023 Oct. 12.60 UT) = Multijunk
A10WYH3 was suspected artificial (2023 Sept. 28.01) = A10WXFE, i=21.4, Ω=302, P≈1360m
A10WXFE was suspected artificial (2023 Sept. 27.06) = A10WYH3, i=21.4, Ω=302, P≈1360m
C9HT642 is not a minor planet (2023 Sept. 26.89 UT) = C9EYKK2 = unidentified ETBO, i=19.8, Ω=337.4, P=4.02d
C3RP361 is not a minor planet (2023 Sept. 19.10 UT) = Multijunk
A10WMDk was not a minor planet (2023 Sept. 16.97 UT) = 1999-040B = Chandra X-Ray Observatory (CXO)
A10WBFl was not confirmed (2023 Sept. 12.09 UT) = Multijunk
ZTs0148 = 2023 QB20 (2023 Sept. 11.69) is not a minor planet = Multijunk (retraction MPEC)
A10WEWw is not a minor planet (2023 Sept. 11.61 UT) = 2016-038C = NORAD 41590 = Falcon 9-026 Stage 2
C9EYKK2 is not a minor planet (2023 Sept. 11.56 UT) = C9HT642 = unidentified ETBO, i=19.8, Ω=337.4, P=4.02d
ZTs0149 was suspected artificial (2023 Sept. 11.00 UT) = ZTF0EWD = C1A3AQ1
C9G6TY2 is not a minor planet (2023 Sept. 09.85 UT) = Multijunk
ZTs0150 was suspected artificial (2023 Sept. 8.89 UT) = ZTF0EWD = C1A3AQ1
ZTs0147 was not confirmed (2023 Aug. 29.09 UT) = Multijunk
A10WvUp was suspected artificial (Aug. 27.01 UT) = unidentified (i=23.9, Ω=234.2, P≈950m)
A10Wg15 is not a minor planet (2023 Aug. 19.75 UT) = A10XrSw = A10XB90 = unidentified ETBO, i=30.5, Ω=352.7, P=1497m
ZTs0139 was not confirmed (2023 Aug. 15.08 UT) = Multijunk
ZTs0138 was not confirmed (2023 Aug. 15.08 UT) = Multijunk
A10W7tY is not a minor planet (2023 July 30.90 UT) = 2013-070B = Chang'e 3 booster
A10VWqZ is not a minor planet (2023 July 14.93 UT) = A10SMtV = A10Tqgl = ZTs0053 = unidentified ETBO,  i=31.6, Ω=343.5, P≈1699m
A10VTTD is not a minor planet (2023 July 14.56 UT) = A10SMtV = A10Tqgl = ZTs0053 = unidentified ETBO,  i=31.6, Ω=343.5, P≈1699m
C9E9G52 is not a minor planet (2023 July 10.06 UT) = 2023 NM = unid temporarily captured junk (retraction MPEC)
A10VLpO is not a minor planet (2023 July 01.43 UT) = 2023-017B
S521050 was not a minor planet (2023 June 29.72 UT) = James Webb Space Telescope
C3RA0Z1 was suspected artificial (2023 June 26.97 UT) = unid, i=45, Ω=315, P=1782m
C3R7GH1 is not a minor planet (2023 June 16.56 UT) = unid, i=26.2, Ω=160.7, P≈761m
C3R7HJ1 was not a minor planet (2023 June 15.87 UT) = 2016-038C = NORAD 41590 = Falcon 9 stage
A10VDyu is not a minor planet (2023 June 11.05 UT) = C3QHGX1 = ETBO, i=6.5, Ω=8.6, P=1536m
C3R7CM1 was suspected artificial (2023 June 09.89 UT) = unid, i=24, Ω=68, P≈1 day
C3R7AC1 was not a minor planet (2023 June 05.70 UT) = unid, i=31, Ω=287.3
C3QUJF1 was suspected artificial (2023 May 24.97 UT) = unid, i=17, Ω=57, P≈1d
C3QUJ61 is not a minor planet (2023 May 22.71 UT) = C3QUEJ1 = C3QHE61 = ETBO
C3QUEK1 was not a minor planet (2023 May 21.80 UT) = unid, i=13.3, Ω=20.9, unknown ETBO = 2023 JW34 (retraction notice)
C3QUEJ1 was not a minor planet (2023 May 18.42 UT) = C3QUJ61 = C3QHE61 = ETBO
A10VqBw was not a minor planet (2023 May 15.55 UT) = A10VwK1 = A10VgVe = ETBO
P11Fl6u was not a minor planet (2023 May 14.60 UT) = JUICE = 2023-053A = NORAD 56176
A10VriT was not a minor planet (2023 May 11.59 UT) = JUICE = 2023-053A = NORAD 56176
C3QHGW1 is not a minor planet (2023 Apr. 30.62) = unid, i=2.47, Ω=315.86, P≈1514m, ETBO
C3QHGX1 is not a minor planet (2023 Apr. 30.10) = A10VDyu = ETBO, i=6.7, Ω=324, P≈1547m
(TR0000 = TR0001 = TR0002 = C3QHGW1)
C3QHE61 is not a minor planet (2023 Apr. 28.39) = C3QUEJ1 = C3QUJ61 = ETBO
C3QHDN1 is not a minor planet (2023 Apr. 28.26) = unid, i=6.8, Ω=90, P≈1794m
C3QHDP1 is not a minor planet (2023 Apr. 27.81) = unid, i=6.4, Ω=29, P≈634m
C953P22 is not a minor planet (2023 Apr. 20.93) = unid, i=18, Ω=16, P≈3d
ZTs0068 is not a minor planet (2023 Apr. 19.01) = unid, i=29.9, Ω=56.2, P≈1526m
C938WA2 is not a minor planet (2023 Apr. 17.10) = unid, i=18.1, Ω=89.2, P≈2.5d
C3N8MK1 was not a minor planet (2023 Mar. 29.59 UT) = 1983-020D = ASTRON booster
C3MCGW1 was not a minor planet (2023 Mar. 26.49 UT) = A10SMtV = A10Tqgl = ZTs0053 = unidentified ETBO,  i=31.6, Ω=343.5, P≈1699m
A10TGEB was not a minor planet (2023 Mar. 23.79 UT) = A10T4rQ = EQUULEUS (Cubesat from Artemis-1)
A10TKof was suspected artificial (2023 Mar. 20.81 UT) = A10SMu1, i=9.0, Ω=249.9, P=1705m
ZTs0055 was suspected artificial (2023 Mar. 18.89 UT) = unid, i=39.4, Ω=1.5, P=1628m
ZTs0053 is not a minor planet (2023 Mar. 1?.?? UT) = A10Tqgl = A10SMtv =  unidentified ETBO,  i=31.6, Ω=343.5, P≈1699m
A10T6Sl is not a minor planet (2023 Mar. 05.87 UT) = A10TgWR = A10RZzu = unidentified ETBO,  i=34.3, Ω=15.8, P≈1400m
C3L0GC1 is not a minor planet (2023 Mar. 01.99 UT) = 2022-168A = NORAD 54696 = Hakuto-R 
A10T4rQ was suspected artificial (2023 Feb. 28.81 UT) = A10TGEB = EQUULEUS (Cubesat from Artemis-1)
ZTs0046 is not a minor planet (2023 Feb. 12.89 UT) = 1983-020A = NORAD 13901 = ASTRON 
A10SgCa is not a minor planet (2023 Jan. 26.06 UT) = unid, P=1345m, i=32.1, Ω=320.8
ZTs0040 is not a minor planet (2023 Jan. 25.61 UT) = C3HC471 = unid, i=25.4, Ω=27.0, P=1589m
C3HCP11 was not a minor planet (2023 Jan. 25.36 UT) = unid, i=27.7, Ω=57.9, P=1305m
C3HC471 was not a minor planet (2023 Jan. 25.34 UT) = ZTs0040 = unid, i=25.4, Ω=27.0, P=1589m
C3GMHA1 was not a minor planet (2023 Jan. 15.63 UT) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
ZTs0018 was suspected artificial (2022 Dec. 24.81 UT) = unid, i≈32, Ω≈317,  maybe a 1-day artsat?
A10QMRO was not confirmed (2022 Nov. 27.84 UT) = A10Rm95,  P=1431m,  i=28.1,  Ω=50.8
C3D89Y1 was not a minor planet (2022 Nov. 27.69 UT) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
A10Re7q was not a minor planet (2022 Nov. 26.90 UT) = 2022-156B = NORAD 54258 = Artemis-1 ICPS booster
SaKurTF was suspected artificial (2022 Nov. 23.51 UT) = unid, P=1390m, i=34.4, Ω=358.2
C8D1FR2 was not a minor planet (2022 Nov. 8.71 UT) = Queqiao
C8CZZP2 was not a minor planet (2022 Nov. 8.71 UT) = Artemis-P1 = Themis-B
C3A3YE1 was not a minor planet (2022 Nov. 2.55 UT) = 2022-070C = NORAD 52916
C39UWE1 was not a minor planet (2022 Nov. 2.55 UT) = 2022-070C = NORAD 52916
C38WAV1 was not a minor planet (2022 Oct. 27.48 UT) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
A10P1ys is not a minor planet (2022 Oct. 26.93 UT) = unid, i=21, Ω=26, P≈1570m
C87U412 is not a minor planet (2022 Oct. 25.43 UT) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
TMG0079 is not a minor planet (2022 Oct. 25.22 UT) = unid, i=39.1, Ω=201, P≈1866m
A10OKAD is not a minor planet (2022 Oct. 22.31 UT) = unid, i=4.6, Ω=208, P≈1d
C84U5Y2 was suspected artificial (2022 Oct. 16.81 UT) = probably actually a rock;  no plausible artsat orbit or candidate
P21zSCl was not a minor planet (2022 Oct. 16.41 UT) = 2015-011A, B, C, or D = Multiscale Magnetospheric Satellite (can't tell which one)
P21zSCg does not exist (2022 Oct. 16.35 UT) = 2015-011A, B, C, or D = Multiscale Magnetospheric Satellite (can't tell which one)
Sar2621 is not a minor planet (2022 Oct. 04.91 UT) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
A10KoSj is not a minor planet (2022 Sep. 27.29 UT) = 2011-037A = Spektr-R 
C35HW61 is not a minor planet (2022 Sep. 19.25 UT) = 2019-040A = Spektr-RG 
A10JyDI is not a minor planet (2022 Sep. 05.58 UT) = probable piece from 1967-040F = Vela booster  (since linked to ZTF0EWD = C1A3AQ1)
Sar2615 is not a minor planet (2022 Aug. 27.71 UT) = unid, i=38.45, Ω=323.36, P=1442m
A10IxGn is not a minor planet (2022 Aug. 19.55 UT) = 2018-103B = NORAD 43846 = Chang'e 4 booster
A10Ilbj is not a minor planet (2022 July 31.02 UT) = 2019-040A = Spektr-RG
ST22G18 is not a minor planet (2022 July 30.82 UT) = 2019-040A = Spektr-RG
C7YKWX2 was suspected artificial (2022 July 12.97 UT) = bad linkage,  probably not artsats
ZTF0NtC is not a minor planet (2022 June 14.92 UT) = unid,  i=16.1, Ω=310.9, P=1535m
TMG0073 was not a minor planet (2022 June 05.56 UT) = unid,  i=20.7, Ω=299.4, P=1847m
A10HPzu was not a minor planet (2022 June 04.69 UT) = Sar2601 (see below)
C34C4Q1 was not a minor planet (2022 June 01.14 UT) = A10HLap = A10HIeK = A10HkiC; i=29.3, Ω=42.8, P=1390m
ZTF0NnS was not a minor planet (2022 May 03.13 UT) = 2018-103B = NORAD 43846 = Chang'e 4 booster
ZTF0NmA is artificial (2022 Apr. 30.96 UT) = A10FhLB = A10Fn69 = A10FkDn = unid ETBO
C326P01 was not a minor planet (2022 Apr. 30.74 UT) = A10GDux = A10GRKA = C2ZQ5P1
C7PG7A2 is artificial (2022 Apr. 25.01 UT) = C7EW3F2,  unid ETBO, i=35.7, Ω=128, P=4.0d;  Vela hardware?
M5ZAIax was suspected artificial (2022 Apr. 13.68 UT) = (I think this was actually a DNE)
C314A91 was not a minor planet (2022 Apr. 12.50 UT) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
Sar2601 is artificial (2022 Apr. 12.05 UT) = A10Gn1z = ETBO; i=16.0, Ω=62.9, P=1348m
C2ZQ5P1 is artificial (2022 Apr. 07.09 UT) = A10GDux = A10GRKA = ETBO; i=35.2, Ω=9.4, P=1744m
C2ZJGP1 was not a minor planet (2022 Mar. 27.53 UT) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
C7G1KA2 is artificial (2022 Mar. 24.83 UT) = 2019-040A = Spektr-RG
A10GxdK was artificial (2022 Mar. 17.76 UT) = A10H65R = ETBO, i=14.7, Ω=255.8,  P=1423m
C7EW3F2 was suspected artificial (2022 Mar. 15.97 UT) = C7PG7A2,  prob. Vela junk, P=4.04d, i=35, Ω=147, e=0.815
C2YPLR1 was not a minor planet (2022 Mar. 15.30 UT) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
ST22C12 is artificial (2022 Mar. 09.13 UT) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
ZTF0Nev is artificial (2022 Mar. 07.55 UT) = ZTF0Nf1; i=39.2, Ω=19.7, P=1456m, ETBO
ZTF0Nf1 is artificial (2022 Mar. 05.81 UT) = ZTF0Nev; i=39.2, Ω=19.7, P=1456m, ETBO
C2YPLR1 was not a minor planet (2022 Mar. 15.30 UT) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
A10FkDn is artificial (2022 Feb. 09.10 UT) = unid (i=23.9, Ω=48.5, P=1590m)
A10Fjmq is artificial (2022 Feb. 08.01 UT) = uind (i=12.4, Ω=346.7, P=1610m)
P21r478 was not a minor planet (2022 Feb. 5.98 UT) = 2013-074A = Gaia
A10F6Vc is artificial (2022 Feb. 06.71 UT) = A10F6Vd = A10F6Vc = A10ExeQ = A10Evux = ETBO; i=40.7, Ω=326, P=1432m
C2UQMX1 is artificial (2022 Feb. 06.71 UT) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
A10Enm4 is artificial (2022 Feb. 01.30 UT) = A10Enm4 = A10EF4p = A10EaNW (i=4, Ω=294, P=1433m; ETBO)
ST22A91 was artificial (2022 Jan. 31.82) = unid (i=16, Ω=97, P=1.7d)
ST22A86 was suspected artificial (2022 Jan. 13.39 UT) = unid (i=16.1, Ω=8, P=about 2 days?)
ST22A82 was suspected artificial (2022 Jan. 13.39 UT) = unid (i=18, Ω=341, P=about 2 days?)
ST22A67 is artificial (2022 Jan. 10.97 UT) = unid (i=33, Ω=40, P=~1670m)
A10EaNU is artificial (2022 Jan. 10.72 UT) = unid (i=27, Ω=0, P=~22h)
C6ZAK42 is artificial (2022 Jan. 08.80 UT) = UR29394 = piece of Vela 5 booster 1969-046F
C6Y9412 is artificial (2022 Jan. 08.72 UT) = unid, i=31.5, Ω=356.8, P=1405m, AMR=39±1 m^2/kg
A10DSV5 was suspected artificial (2021 Dec. 20.18 UT) = 2002-048A = NORAD 27540 = INTEGRAL
A10DOip is artificial (2021 Dec. 15.06 UT) = A10DMjY = A10DOip = ZTF0NUM (i=20.9, Ω=24.8, P=1484m)
A10DOIu is artificial (2021 Dec. 14.93 UT) = unid (i=29, Ω=5, P=1505m)
A10DMOv was suspected artificial (2021 Dec. 12.89 UT) = unid (i=26, Ω=79, P=833m)
A10DMIn was suspected artificial (2021 Dec. 11.97 UT) = unkn, i=39, Ω=14,  maybe not an artsat?
A10DMIh was artificial (2021 Dec. 11.93 UT) = unkn, i=36.5, Ω=349.7, P=1375m, ETBO
A10DMjY is artificial (2021 Dec. 10.97 UT) = A10DMjY = A10DOip = ZTF0NUM  (i=20.9, Ω=24.8, P=1484m)
C2Q00W1 is artificial (2021 Dec. 06.94 UT) = 2019-040A = Spektr-RG
ZTF0NWM is artificial (2021 Dec. 04.97 UT) = unkn, i=38, Ω=89, P=1825m,  prob. ETBO
ZTF0NUM was not confirmed (2021 Nov. 19.55 UT) = A10DMjY = A10DOip = ZTF0NUM  (i=20.9, Ω=24.8, P=1484m)
A10DkcI is artificial (2021 Nov. 13.76 UT) = A10CpZV = A10Cpdo = A10Dkci = ZTF0NQD
C6H3CA2 is artificial (2021 Nov. 11.26 UT) = unid (i=42.5, Ω=29.00, P=1937m)
ZTF0NQD is artificial (2021 Nov. 10.72 UT) = A10CpZV = A10Cpdo = A10Dkci = ZTF0NQD
TMG0059 was not confirmed (2021 Nov. 10.46 UT) = unid (i=42.20, Ω=45.26, P=1538m)
TMG0058 is artificial (2021 Nov. 04.93 UT) = unid (i=44.9, Ω=26.2, P=1624m)
C6C5XQ2 was not a minor planet (2021 Oct. 28.96 UT) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
C2F7XA1 was not a minor planet (2021 Oct. 25.46 UT) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
C2E1F01 is artificial (2021 Oct. 11.10 UT) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
C2DWWQ1 was not a minor planet (2021 Oct. 09.48 UT) = unid, P=790m, i=31, Ω=309, e=.75
A10BNNG is not a minor planet (2021 Oct. 06.93) = A10ygRO:  P=1.2d, i=32.2, Ω=11.2
C2AVDW1 is not a minor planet (2021 Oct. 05.56) = unknown, P=2.1d, i=30.4, Ω=321
ZTF0Mwj was not a minor planet (2021 Sept. 28.05 UT) = A10yskn = ZTF0LJW = A10BoP7 (ETBO, P=1d, i=16, Ω=325)
ZTF0MxV is artificial (2021 Sept. ??.?? UT) = A10yskn = ZTF0LJW = A10BoP7 (ETBO, P=1d, i=16, Ω=325)
A10BoP7 was artificial (2021 Sept. 26.01 UT) = A10yskn = ZTF0LJW = A10BoP7 (ETBO, P=1d, i=16, Ω=325)
C5Y6DL2 is artificial =  C5VRL32 = C5Y6DL2 = ETBO in 3.76-day orbit 
X74306 was not a minor planet (2021 Sept. 12.90) = 2019-040A = Spektr-RG
C285AU1 is artificial (2021 Sept. 12.89) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
ZTF0MaV is artificial = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
C5VRL32 is artificial =  C5VRL32 = C5Y6DL2 = ETBO in 3.76-day orbit 
A10B70m is artificial (2021 Sept. 10.93 UT)= ZTF0IsC = ZTF0MK3 = A10B70m = lots of others
ZTF0MK3 is artificial (2021 Sept. 09.93 UT) = ZTF0IsC = ZTF0MK3 = A10B70m = lots of others
C26XHT1 was not a minor planet (2021 Sep. 7.56 UT) = XL8D89E (mystery object in three-month orbit)
ZTF0LVp was not a minor planet (2021 Sep. 5.49 UT) = 1967-040F = NORAD 02770 = Transtage 10 
ZTF0LVx = ZTF0LVr is artificial (2021 Aug. 19.93 UT) = ZTF0IsC = ZTF0MK3 = A10B70m = lots of others
ZTF0LVd is artificial (2021 Aug. 19.01 UT) (i=31.4, Ω=320.5) = ZTF0KSa = A10xMaH = A10zKLL
ZTF0LT0 was not confirmed (2021 Aug. 18.88 UT) = ZTF0LT0 = A10zTVv = ZTF0LTn = A10zXKN
ZTF0LTn was not confirmed (2021 Aug. 18.75 UT) = ZTF0LT0 = A10zTVv = ZTF0LTn = A10zXKN
A10Ab75 is artificial (2021 Aug. 18.85 UT)= 2007-004G = THEMIS booster (i=12.8, Ω=331.9, e=0.862)
A10zTVv was not confirmed (2021 Aug. 17.59 UT) = ZTF0LT0 = A10zTVv = ZTF0LTn = A10zXKN
A10zXKN was suspected artificial (2021 Aug. 15.64 UT) = ZTF0LT0 = A10zTVv = ZTF0LTn = A10zXKN
ZTF0LNN is not a minor planet (2021 Aug. 01.93 UT) = unkn, i=13.0, Ω=332.5, P=1.37d
A10zk89 is not a minor planet (2021 July 31.97 UT) = A10zoXd = A10zk89 = A10xFqD = A10zDsS, i=13.2, Ω=13.4, P=0.99d
A10z4tB is artificial (2021 July 20.68) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
A10z0x1 was not confirmed (2021 July 18.76 UT) = A10wE4i = A10xM7a = A10xSz5 (P=1.2d, i=12 +/- 3, Ω=81 +/- 6)
ZTF0LJW was not confirmed (2021 July 14.59 UT) = A10yskn = A10BoP7 (ETBO, P=1d, i=16, Ω=325)
A10z0ha was (correctly) suspected artificial (2021 July 12.97 UT) = A10z0ha = A10yC0m = ZTF0LDZ = A10w8qG = S514008; P=1350m, i=7, Ω=300
A10yC0m was (correctly) suspected artificial (2021 July 1.56 UT) = A10z0ha = A10yC0m = ZTF0LDZ = A10w8qG = S514008; P=1350m, i=7, Ω=300
ZTF0LH5 was not a minor planet (2021 June 27.48 UT) = 2002-048A = NORAD 27540 = INTEGRAL
S514136 was not confirmed (2021 June 25.92 UT) = 2004-015D = NORAD 28240 = SL-12 booster 
A10yskn was (correctly) suspected artificial (2021 June 23.81 UT) = unid, P≈1d, i=24.9, Ω=325
A10ysko was (correctly) suspected artificial (2021 June 23.01 UT) = unid, P≈1d, i=15.1, Ω=73.0
ZTF0LFi was (correctly) suspected artificial (2021 June 21.71 UT) = 2011-077X = NORAD 40842 = CZ-3B debris 
ZTF0LFG was not a minor planet (2021 June 17.84 UT) = 1999-040B = NORAD 25867 = Chandra X-Ray observatory
A10ygRO was (probably correctly) suspected artificial (2021 June 16.01 UT) = probably e=.79, i≈31, Ω≈34 (very short arc)
ZTF0LDZ was (correctly) suspected artificial (2021 June 11.85 UT) = A10z0ha = A10yC0m = ZTF0LDZ = A10w8qG = S514008; P=1350m, i=7, Ω=300
ZTF0LDy was not a minor planet (2021 June 11.62 UT) = 2013-026B = NORAD 39173 = Breeze-M rocket booster
ZTF0LEA was not a minor planet (2021 June 11.58 UT) = 2015-041B = NORAD 40883 = Breeze-M rocket booster
ZTF0LBm does not exist (2021 June 05.72 UT) = ZTF0LAq = ZTF0LAZ = ZTF0LBm (P=1387m, i=5.65, Ω=339.53, ETBO)
ZTF0LBs was (correctly) suspected artificial (2021 June 06.81 UT) = ZTF0L5G = ZTF0L67 = B04SK17 = ScKo07a (P=1d, i=17.4, Ω=52.6, ETBO)
A10xMaE was not a minor planet (2021 June 03.60 UT) = 2010-050B = Chang'e 2 booster
ZTF0LAZ = ZTF0LAq does not exist (2021 June 03.42 UT) = unid, P=1373m, i=5.65, Ω=340.0;  pretty sure it really does exist
ZTF0LAB was not a minor planet (2021 June 02.69 UT) = ZTF0L5G = ZTF0L67 = B04SK17 = ScKo07a (P=1d, i=17.4, Ω=52.6, ETBO)
ZTF0L9n was not a minor planet (2021 June 01.49 UT) = 2011-011B = NORAD 38099 = Breeze-M rocket booster
A10xI45 was not a minor planet (2021 June 01.07 UT) = 2008-051A = NORAD 33401 = IBEX (Interstellar Boundary Explorer)
ZTF0L7h was not a minor planet (2021 May 25.15 UT) = 1983-020A = NORAD 13901 = ASTRON 
ZTF0L6e was not a minor planet (2021 May 20.59 UT) = 2019-067C = NORAD 44626 = Breeze-M rocket booster
ZTF0L6q was not a minor planet (2021 May 20.59 UT) = ZTF0L5G = ZTF0L67 = B04SK17 = ScKo07a (P=1d, i=17.4, Ω=52.6, ETBO)
ZTF0L78 was not a minor planet (2021 May 20.59 UT) = ZTF0L5G = ZTF0L67 = B04SK17 = ScKo07a (P=1d, i=17.4, Ω=52.6, ETBO)
SaCs066 was not a minor planet (2021 May 18.91 UT) = unid, P=678m, e=0.722 +/- 0.003, i=16.0 +/- 0.1, Ω=128.5 +/- 0.2
ZTF0L5G was not a minor planet (2021 May 18.86 UT) = ZTF0L5G = ZTF0L67 = B04SK17 = ScKo07a (P=1d, i=17.4, Ω=52.6, ETBO)
ZTF0L67 was not a minor planet (2021 May 18.86 UT) = ZTF0L5G = ZTF0L67 = B04SK17 = ScKo07a (P=1d, i=17.4, Ω=52.6, ETBO)
TMG0047 was not a minor planet (2021 May 10.94 UT) = ETBO, P=1687m, i=26.1, Ω=38.54
ZTF0L1n was not a minor planet (2021 May 07.54 UT) = 1983-020A = NORAD 13901 = ASTRON 
ZTF0L1N was (probably) not a minor planet (2021 May 07.54 UT) = P=800m, i=26+/-4, Ω=193+/-1; may be another fragment of 2007-003?
S514008 was not confirmed (May 7.05 UT) = A10z0ha = A10yC0m = ZTF0LDZ = A10w8qG = S514008; P=1350m, i=7, Ω=300
ZTF0L1Z was not a minor planet (2021 May 05.61 UT) = A10w1Sr = ZTF0KOO = A10x0xZ = ZTF0L1Z; P=1614m, i=6, Ω=75.2
A10x0xZ was not a minor planet (2021 May 05.61 UT) = A10w1Sr = ZTF0KOO = A10x0xZ = ZTF0L1Z; P=1614m, i=6, Ω=75.2
ZTF0L18 was not a minor planet (2021 May 02.50 UT) = 2002-048A = NORAD 27540 = INTEGRAL
C22KG31 was not a minor planet (2021 Apr. 15.54 UT) = 2010-050B = Chang'e 2 booster
ZTF0Kuc was not a minor planet (2021 Apr. 11.53 UT) = 2013-026B = NORAD 39173 = Breeze-M booster; e=.74, P=1303m, i=24.7
ZTF0KrO was not a minor planet (2021 Apr. 7.54 UT) = ZTF0KOI = ZTF0K7F; i=13.9, Ω=11.2
ZTF0KrU was not a minor planet (2021 Apr. 7.51 UT) = unid, i=7, Ω=16, one-day
A10w8qX was not a minor planet (2021 Apr. 7.06 UT) = unid,  P=1634m, i=17.818, Ω=17.18, e=.62
A10whno was not a minor planet (2021 Apr. 7.01 UT) = 2007-060A = NORAD 32378
A10whaK was not a minor planet (2021 Apr. 6.01 UT) = A10whaK = ZTF0Kwt (i=17.4, Ω=48.04, one-day ETBO)
ZTF0KoO was not a minor planet (2021 Apr. 3.55 UT) = ZTF0KOI = ZTF0K7F; i=13.9, Ω=11.2
ZTF0KnF was not a minor planet (2021 Apr. 1.61 UT) = 2018-038A = TESS 
C2175M1 was not a minor planet (2021 Apr. 1.53 UT) = 2019-040A = Spektr-RG
A10w1Sr was not a minor planet (2021 Mar. 24.51 UT) = A10w1Sr = ZTF0KOO; P=1614m, i=6, Ω=75.2
A10w1Ss was not a minor planet (2021 Mar. 24.51 UT) = unid, ~one-day orbit, i=22.0, Ω=9.4
Sar2535 was not a minor planet (2021 Mar. 21.63 UT) = unidentified;  P=1616m, e=0.705, i=7.29, Ω=209.2 
A10vVU0 was not a minor planet (2021 Mar. 20.74 UT) = 2007-004G = THEMIS booster (i=14.9, Ω=342.6, e=0.862)
hb0009 was not a minor planet (2021 Mar. 20.70 UT) = ZTF0IiT : i=40.6, Ω=5.08, P=1347m; probable ETBO
ZTF0KkU was not a minor planet (2021 Mar. 20.70 UT) = ZTF0Kbq = ETBO; P=1416m, i=20.1, Ω=78.2, e=0.746
ZTF0Kf9 was not a minor planet (2021 Mar. 02.62 UT) = 2016-035B = NORAD 41582 = Breeze-M r/b
ZTF0KeL was not a minor planet (2021 Feb. 28.63 UT) = ZTF0Kbq = ETBO; P=1416m, i=20.1, Ω=78.2, e=0.746
ZTF0Kci was not a minor planet (2021 Feb. 21.73 UT) = A10v8km; P=847m, i=25.4, Ω=176.1, e=.767; uncatalogued fragment of 2007-003 booster?
ZTF0KbQ was not a minor planet (2021 Feb. 19.58 UT) = ZTF0KeL; P=1416m, i=20.1, Ω=78.2, e=0.746
Sar2563 was not a minor planet (2021 Feb. 14.06 UT) = 2010-050B = Chang'e 2 booster
ZTF0KWn was not a minor planet (2021 Feb. 13.08 UT) = ~1.1 day, i≈33.6, Ω≈349.9
ZTF0KWt was not a minor planet (2021 Feb. 13.08 UT) = ~1.1 day, i≈14.6, Ω≈62.3; = A10whaK (i=17.4, Ω=48.04, one-day ETBO)
A10v8km was not a minor planet (2021 Feb. 13.08 UT) = ZTF0Kci; P=847m, i=25.4, Ω=176.1, e=.768; uncatalogued fragment of 2007-003 booster?
ZTF0KOO was not confirmed (2021 Feb. 12.42 UT) = A10w1Sr = ZTF0KOO; P=1614m, i=6, Ω=75.2;  ID was made later
ZTF0KU2 was not a minor planet (2021 Feb. 10.65 UT) = C1AUGE1 =  ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
ZTF0KSa was not a minor planet (2021 Feb. 09.61 UT) = (probably) ZTF0K7X (definitely an artsat); i=36, Ω=330.8
ZTF0KOI was not a minor planet (2021 Feb. 07.64 UT) = ZTF0K7F (ID since confirmed,  and linked to ZTF0KoO); i=13.9, Ω=11.2
C1V17J1 was not a minor planet (2021 Feb. 05.70 UT) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk' (P=2.3d, i=18.1, Ω=19.6)
C4QMP52 was not a minor planet (2021 Feb. 02.45 UT) = 1966-084B = NORAD 02426 = 2020 SO = Surveyor 2 Centaur
A10uNnA was not a minor planet (2021 Jan. 31.71 UT) = 1966-084B = NORAD 02426 = 2020 SO = Surveyor 2 Centaur
ZTF0KEp was not a minor planet (2021 Jan. 18.62 UT) = unk, i=30.0, Ω=73.9, P≈0.8d
ZTF0KEj was not a minor planet (2021 Jan. 18.62 UT) = unk, i=16.3, Ω=331, P=1 day
ZTF0K7F was not confirmed (2021 Jan. 18.46 UT) = ZTF0KOI (ID since confirmed); i=13.9, Ω=11.2
ZTF0K6x was not a minor planet (2021 Jan. 13.60 UT) = unk, i=12.4, Ω=301.6, P=1.2 day
ZTF0IvG was not a minor planet (2021 Jan. 12.74 UT) = 2002-048A = NORAD 27540 = INTEGRAL
ZTF0IsN was not a minor planet (2021 Jan. 9.69 UT) = ZTF0IsN = ZTF0IsC (P=1d, i=32.4, Ω=353.9, prob ETBO)
ZTF0IsC was not a minor planet (2021 Jan. 9.68 UT) = ZTF0IsN = ZTF0IsC (P=1d, i=32.4, Ω=353.9, prob ETBO)
C008WA3 was not a minor planet (2021 Jan. 06.57 UT) = 1966-084B = NORAD 02426 = 2020 SO = Surveyor 2 Centaur
C4CJND2 was not a minor planet (2021 Jan. 5.70 UT) = probable bit from 1969-046 launch (P=2.2d, i=18.8, Ω=278.9)
ZTF0IiT was not confirmed (2020 Dec. 27.38 UT) = ZTF0IiT : i=40.6, Ω=5.08, P=1347m; probable ETBO
C1NHY61 was not a minor planet (2020 Dec. 26.14 UT) = probable Vela (P=4.3d, i=43, Ω=218)
S513670 was not a minor planet (2020 Dec. 16.63 UT) = 2005-052B = NORAD 28925 = Breeze-M r/b
ZTF0GXF was not a minor planet (2020 Dec. 15.53 UT) = ZTF0Ew1 = ZTF0F7k  (P=1d, i=33.2, Ω=34)
C1N7CE1 = 2020 XA1 was not a minor planet (2020 Dec. ??.?? UT) = 2019-040A = Spektr-RG
ZTF0GSM was not a minor planet (2020 Dec. 08.10 UT) = 1992-044A = GEOTAIL
ZTF0GRI was not a minor planet (2020 Dec. 06.72 UT) = ZTF0Ew1 = ZTF0F7k  (P=1d, i=33.2, Ω=34)
A10t3h8 was not a minor planet (2020 Dec. 04.64 UT) = 1966-084B = NORAD 02426 = 2020 SO = Surveyor 2 Centaur
C1MX5L1 was not a minor planet (2020 Dec. 04.18 UT) = 1966-084B = NORAD 02426 = 2020 SO = Surveyor 2 Centaur
ZTF0GOm was not a minor planet (2020 Nov. 30.61 UT) = 1995-062B = NORAD 23716 = ISO (Infrared Space Observatory) booster
ZTF0GMA was not confirmed (2020 Nov. 29.42 UT) = 2018-103B = NORAD 43846 = Chang'e 4 booster
A10sQ2k was not a minor planet (2020 Nov. 26.66 UT) = ZTF0Ew1 = ZTF0F7k  (P=1d, i=33.2, Ω=34)
ZTF0GMM = ZTF0GMA (2020 Nov. 29.42 UT) = 2018-103B = NORAD 43846 = Chang'e 4 booster
C1KZNY1 was not a minor planet (2020 Nov. 20.79 UT) = 2018-038A = TESS 
ZTF0GJ3 was not a minor planet (2020 Nov. 20.72 UT) = ZTF0GJ3 = ZTF0G7b = ETBO
ZTF0GDv was not a minor planet (2020 Nov. 17.79 UT) = 2015-005B = NORAD 40385
ZTF0G7b was not confirmed (2020 Nov. 16.59 UT) = ZTF0GJ3 = ZTF0G7b = ETBO
C1J9L51 was not a minor planet (2020 Nov. 14.59 UT) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk' (P=2.3d, i=18.1, Ω=19.6)
ZTF0G83 was not a minor planet (2020 Nov. 12.57 UT) = 1992-044A = GEOTAIL
ZTF0G7V was not a minor planet (2020 Nov. 11.58 UT) = ZTF0Ew1 = ZTF0F7k  (P=1d, i=33.2, Ω=34)
C1HRKM1 was not a minor planet (2020 Nov. 10.67 UT) = 2010-050B = Chang'e 2 booster
ZTF0G6l was not a minor planet (2020 Nov. 05.03 UT) = ZTF0Ew1 = ZTF0F7k  (P=1d, i=33.2, Ω=34)
ZTF0G5T was not a minor planet (2020 Oct. 29.68 UT) = ZTF0Ew1 = ZTF0F7k  (P=1d, i=33.2, Ω=34)
S513618 was not a minor planet (2020 Oct. 28.64 UT) = NORAD 41941 = 2017-005B = DSN 2 r
O010337 was not a minor planet (2020 Oct. 28.60 UT) = NORAD 41941 = 2017-005B = DSN 2 r
O010336 was not a minor planet (2020 Oct. 28.60 UT) = NORAD 41941 = 2017-005B = DSN 2 r
JNS060 was not confirmed (2020 Oct. 28.13 UT) = 1969-046D = NORAD 03954 = Vela 5a = JNS023 = ZTF02BI = A10boIy (didn't figure out until Dec 2020)
ZTF0G4V was not a minor planet (2020 Oct. 27.56 UT) = ZTF0Ew1 = ZTF0F7k  (P=1d, i=33.2, Ω=34)
ZTF0Ftl was not a minor planet (2020 Oct. 22.90 UT) = 9O0DC57 (unidentified,  2.26-day orbit)
ZTF0FaT was not a minor planet (2020 Oct. 20.05 UT) = 2000-045B = Cluster-II-FM8 (Tango) = NORAD 26464
ZTF0Fal was not a minor planet (2020 Oct. 20.05 UT) = 1967-040A = NORAD 02765 = Vela 7
ZTF0FY3 is probably an artsat (P≈ 1 day, i≈42 ± 4, Ω≈10 ± 7)
ZTF0FXx was not a minor planet (2020 Oct. 13.98 UT) = ZTF0FS0 = ZTF0FXx (i=36, Ω=21, ETBO)
ZTF0FS0 was not confirmed (2020 Oct. 12.46 UT) =  ZTF0FS0 = ZTF0FXx (i=36, Ω=21, ETBO)
ZTF0FRu was not a minor planet (2020 Oct. 06.82 UT) = 2013-024B = NORAD 39169 = WGS 5 
ZTF0Ew1 was not a minor planet (2020 Sept. 26.56 UT) = ZTF0Ew1 = ZTF0F7k  (P=1d, i=33.2, Ω=34)
ZTF0F7k was not a minor planet (2020 Sept. 26.56 UT) = ZTF0Ew1 = ZTF0F7k 
ZTF0Edd was not a minor planet (2020 Sept. 24.80 UT) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk' (P=2.3d, i=18.1, Ω=19.6)
C1AUGE1 was not a minor planet (2020 Sept. 24.38 UT) = C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
ZTF0Ehh was not a minor planet (2020 Sept. 21.54 UT) = ZTF0dky = ZTF0Dip = ZTF0DcD = ETBO (P=1.07d, i=29, Ω=343)
ZTF0EhP was not a minor planet (2020 Sept. 21.45 UT) = A10pgty = A10pgtz = ZTF0Dxq, i=19.6, P=1387m, Ω=315.8, ETBO
ZTF0Eht was not a minor planet (2020 Sept. 21.44 UT) = A10pgty = A10pgtz = ZTF0Dxq, i=19.6, P=1387m, Ω=315.8, ETBO
ZTF0Edj was not a minor planet (2020 Sept. 20.60 UT) = 2019-021B = NORAD 44187 = Falcon Heavy-002 Stage
C1AENE1 was not a minor planet (2020 Sept. 20.53 UT) = 2019-021B = NORAD 44187 = Falcon Heavy-002 Stage
C36XRC2 was not confirmed (2020 Sept. 20.46 UT) =  C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
JNS051 was not confirmed (2020 Sept. 20.09 UT) =  C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
ZTF0EYO was not a minor planet (2020 Sept. 18.63 UT) = ZTF0dy2 = ZTF0E1U = ZTF0E2T, i=35.15, e=0.771, P=1348m, Ω=325.0, ETBO
ZTF0EYI was not a minor planet (2020 Sept. 18.62 UT) = A10pgty = A10pgtz = ZTF0Dxq, i=19.6, P=1387m, Ω=315.8, ETBO
A10qDsN was not a minor planet (2020 Sept. 17.64 UT) = 2019-021B = NORAD 44187 = Falcon Heavy-002 Stage
C1A3AQ1 was not a minor planet (2020 Sept. 17.54 UT) = ZTF0EWD = 1967-040C, D, or E (can't tell which) (P≈1.96d, i=40, Ω=333)
JNS053 was not a minor planet (2020 Sept. 16.14 UT) = TMG0027 = A10nE6r = A10o4jb = ZTF0Dfv (P≈1.2d, i=19, Ω=63)
ZTF0EWD was not a minor planet (2020 Sept. 15.50 UT) = C1A3AQ1 = 1967-040C, D, or E (can't tell which)
ZTF0EV6 was not a minor planet (2020 Sept. 7.64 UT) = unknown;  may not actually be an artsat
ZTF0EK3 was not confirmed (2020 Sept. 1.59 UT) = TMG0025 = ETBO (didn't ID until much later)
ZTF0EJr was not confirmed (2020 Sept. 1.59 UT) =  C1AUGE1 = ZTF0Edd = ... = 'Multijunk'
ZTF0ERB was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 31.52 UT) = 2020-047A = EMM (Hope)
ZTF0EO7 was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 28.92 UT) = 2020-047A = EMM (Hope)
C19AK11 was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 28.65 UT) = 2020-047A = EMM (Hope)
ZTF0ENg was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 28.45 UT) = 1964-054A = NORAD 00879 = OGO 1
C332UJ2 was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 27.54 UT) = 2020-047A = EMM (Hope)
A10pFzh was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 26.52 UT) = 1964-054A = NORAD 00879 = OGO 1
C1979M1 was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 26.46 UT) = 1964-054A = NORAD 00879 = OGO 1
C196DN1 was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 23.61 UT) = 2019-021B = NORAD 44187 = Falcon Heavy-002 Stage
S513264 was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 20.83 UT) = 2012-003B = NORAD 38071
ZTF0E2T was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 20.70 UT) = ZTF0dy2 = ZTF0E1U = ZTF0E2T, i=35.15, e=0.771, P=1348m, Ω=325.0, ETBO
ZTF0E2H was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 20.63 UT) = unidentified; P≈15h, i≈21, Ω=196
ZTF0E1U was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 19.59 UT) = ZTF0dy2 = ZTF0E1U = ZTF0E2T, i=35.15, e=0.771, P=1348m, Ω=325.0, ETBO
ZTF0dy2 was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 19.56 UT) = ZTF0dy2 = ZTF0E1U = ZTF0E2T, i=35.15, e=0.771, P=1348m, Ω=325.0, ETBO
ZTF0Dxq was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 18.54 UT) = A10pgty = A10pgtz, i=19.6, P=1387m, Ω=315.8, ETBO
S513197 was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 17.94 UT) = TMG0027 = A10nE6r = A10o4jb = ZTF0Dfv
A10pgtz was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 17.93 UT) = A10pgty = ZTF0Dxq, i=19.6, P=1387m, Ω=315.8, ETBO
A10pgty was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 17.93 UT) = A10pgtz = ZTF0Dxq, i=19.6, P=1387m, Ω=315.8, ETBO
TMG0027 was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 17.73 UT) = A10nE6r = A10o4jb = ZTF0Dfv = S513197
TMG0025 was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 16.70 UT) = ZTF0EK3 = ETBO 
ZTF0Drv was not a minor planet (2020 Aug. 3.34 UT) = 1983-020D = ASTRON booster
ZTF0Dgz was not confirmed (July 28.84 UT) = probable artsat (i=7.7, P ≈ 1 day, e = 0.6, Ω = 249)
S513108 was not a minor planet (2020 July 27.64 UT) =  1984-107A = NORAD 15350 (Soviet Molniya)
ZTF0DkY was not a minor planet (2020 July 26.56 UT) = ZTF0Dip = ZTF0DcD = ETBO
ZTF0Dip was not a minor planet (2020 July 26.56 UT) = ZTF0DkY = ZTF0DcD = ETBO
A10oyFM was not a minor planet (2020 July 23.91 UT) = TianweA = Tianwen-1 object 
A10opq4 was not a minor planet (2020 July 21.69 UT) = 2020-047B = EMM (Hope) booster
A10ochA was not a minor planet (2020 July 14.53 UT) = 2010-050B = Chang'e 2 booster
A10o4jb was not a minor planet (2020 July 10.91 UT) = TMG0027 = A10nE6r = ZTF0Dfv = S513197
A10nE6r was not a minor planet (2020 June 28.05 UT) = TMG0027 = A10o4jb = ZTF0Dfv = S513197
ZTF0DXh was not a minor planet (2020 May 27.58 UT) = unidentified (P=1500m, i=16.97, Ω=344, e=.66) = ETBO
S512398 was not a minor planet (2020 May 19.20 UT) = 2010-050B = Chang'e 2 booster
ZTF0DUm was not a minor planet (2020 Apr. 29.61 UT) = 2011-037A = SPEKTR-R
C15WAC1 was not a minor planet (2020 Apr. 24.57 UT) = ZTF0D8Q = ZTF0Csc = C21KXA2 = C0Z1JL1 = C0T7X31 = 'Multijunk'
C15AWW1 was not a minor planet (2020 Apr. 20.21 UT) = NORAD 41590U = 2016-038C = Falcon 9 booster
A10lkmB was not a minor planet (2020 Apr. 16.57 UT) = 2019-040A = Spektr-RG
ZTF0DOb was not a minor planet (2020 Apr. 16.57 UT) = 1999-040B = Chandra X-Ray Observatory (CXO)
ZTF0DOc was not a minor planet (2020 Apr. 16.57 UT) = 2002-048A = NORAD 27540 = INTEGRAL
ZTF0DOY was not a minor planet (2020 Apr. 16.51 UT) = 2018-103B = NORAD 43846 = Chang'e 4 booster
A10lj0B was not a minor planet (2020 Apr. 13.89 UT) = BepiColombo
C14VXL1 was not a minor planet (2020 Apr. 13.58 UT) = BepiColombo
G202002 was not a minor planet (2020 Apr. 11.67 UT) = unknown,  Vela-ish? P near 4.7d, i near 20, Ω near 178
S512009 was not a minor planet (2020 Apr. 4.59 UT) = S512009 = ZTF0D86 = junk in ~1-day orbit
JNS041 was not a minor planet (2020 Mar. 18.97) = 2007-004G = THEMIS booster
ZTF0DC4 was not a minor planet (2020 Feb. 24.67 UT) = (probably) ZTF09mO = ZTF09oP = A10jyaB = ZTF09py
C27J902 was not a minor planet (2020 Feb. 18.40 UT) = unidentified, i=10.7, Ω=276.4, P≈1 day
ZTF0D8g was not a minor planet (2020 Feb. 15.79 UT) = ZTF0D8Q = ZTF0Csc = C21KXA2 = C0Z1JL1 = C0T7X31 = 'Multijunk'
ZTF0D86 was not a minor planet (2020 Feb. 12.80 UT) = S512009 = ZTF0D86 = junk in ~1-day orbit
ZTF0D8Q was not a minor planet (2020 Feb. 12.61 UT) = ZTF0D8g = ZTF0Csc = C21KXA2 = C0Z1JL1 = C0T7X31 = 'Multijunk'
ZTF0D3h was not a minor planet (2020 Feb. 5.10 UT) = NORAD 41590U = 2016-038C = Falcon 9 booster
ZTF0D3g was not a minor planet (2020 Feb. 5.10 UT) = NORAD 26486U = 2000-051D = SL-12 booster
ZTF0Czu was not a minor planet (2020 Feb. 3.66 UT) = ZTF0Csc = C21KXA2 = C0Z1JL1 = C0T7X31 = 'Multijunk'
C0ZN351 was not a minor planet (2020 Feb. 3.52 UT) (didn't get astrometry)
ZTF0Csc was not a minor planet (2020 Feb. 1.84 UT) = ZTF0Czu = C21KXA2 = C0Z1JL1 = C0T7X31 = 'Multijunk'
C21KXA2 was not a minor planet (2020 Feb. 1.84 UT) = C0Z1JL1 = ZTF0Csc = C0T7X31 = 'Multijunk'
C0Z1JL1 was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 30.41 UT) = C21KXA2 = C0T7X31 = ZTF0Csc = 'Multijunk'
ZTF0CjS 'does not exist' (2020 Jan. 31.74 UT) =  ZTF09ps = ZTF09iM = ZTF0Cjs = ZTF0Co5 = ZTF0Co9 = ETBO
ZTF0CbK 'does not exist' (2020 Jan. 31.74 UT) = maybe fragment of ZTF09oP = ZTF09mO (P=1d, i=27, Ω=59, ETBO)?
ZTF09uF was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 26.56 UT) = ZTF09oP = ZTF09mO (P=1d, i=27, Ω=59, ETBO)
ZTF09py was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 24.51 UT) = ZTF09oP = ZTF09mO (P=1d, i=27, Ω=59, ETBO)
A10jyaB was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 21.68 UT) = ZTF09oP = ZTF09mO (P=1d, i=27, Ω=59, ETBO)
ZTF09ps was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 19.65 UT) =  ZTF09ps = ZTF09iM = ZTF0Cjs = ZTF0Co5 = ZTF0Co9 = ETBO
ZTF09oP was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 13.61 UT) = A10jyaB = ZTF09mO (P=1d, i=27, Ω=59, ETBO)
ZTF09oN was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 13.19 UT) = 2000-045A = Cluster-II-FM5 (Rumba) = NORAD 26463
ZTF09mO was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 7.72 UT) = ZTF09oP = A10jyaB (P=1d, i=27, Ω=59, ETBO)
ZTF09n0 was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 7.61 UT) = 2012-011B = NORAD 38099 = Breeze-M rocket booster
P10VZMt was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 7.21 UT) = 2010-050B = Chang'e 2 booster
ZTF09mt was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 6.81 UT) = unidentified artsat;  data doesn't lead to an orbit or ID
ZTF09mv was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 6.81 UT) = 1976-023C = SOLRAD 11A
ZTF09my was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 6.81 UT) = 2000-051D = NORAD 26486
ZTF09mN was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 5.99 UT) = unidentified,  P=1560m, i=39.90, Ω=349.9
ZTF09mQ was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 5.90 UT) = 1969-046F = NORAD 03956 = Vela booster
ZTF09mR was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 5.90 UT) = 1992-044A = GEOTAIL
ZTF09k7 was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 5.13 UT) = unidentified,  P=1700m, i=18.6, Ω=38.4, e=.65
ZTF09k6 was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 4.74 UT) = S510923 (probable SOLRAD-11 hardware)
C0UL1F1 was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 3.67 UT) = 2010-050B = Chang'e 2 booster
ZTF09iQ was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 2.65 UT) = 2013-026B = NORAD 39173 = Breeze-M booster; e=.74, P=1303m, i=24.7
ZTF09iR was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 2.65 UT) = ZTF09iS = 2000-051D = NORAD 26486 = SL-12 booster; e=.74, P=988m, i=62.7
ZTF09iS was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 2.65 UT) = ZTF09iR = 2000-051D = NORAD 26486 = SL-12 booster; e=.74, P=988m, i=62.7
ZTF09iU was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 2.65 UT) = 2011-077K = NORAD 40186 = CZ-3B debris; e=.73, P=763m, i=26.4
ZTF09iT was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 2.65 UT) = 2016-038C = NORAD 41590 = Falcon 9 R/B; e=.82, P=1217m, i=25.0
ZTF09iM was not a minor planet (2020 Jan. 1.72 UT) =  ZTF09ps = ZTF09iM = ZTF0Cjs = ZTF0Co5 = ZTF0Co9 = ETBO
ZTF09eO was not a minor planet (2019 Dec. 20.12 UT) = 2011-037A = SPEKTR-R
C1HUEF2 was not a minor planet (2019 Dec. 7.08 UT) = unidentified, P=2180m, i=13.3, Ω = 263.31
C1JH4M2 was not a minor planet (2019 Dec. 7.08 UT) = unidentified, P=3116m, i=19.628, Ω=339.683, not an ETBO. Not 'Multijunk' but in a vaguely similar orbit
C0TE801 was not a minor planet (2019 Dec. 6.56 UT) = 9O0DC57 (unidentified,  2.26-day orbit)
C1HPHY2 was not a minor planet (2019 Dec. 3.34 UT) = unidentified, P=1800m, i=4.21 +/- 0.01, Ω = 342.3... might be = ZTF045N?
C0T7X31 was not a minor planet (2019 Dec. 3.33 UT) = unidentified, P=3700m, i=16.0, Ω = 340; may be C0Z1JL1?
A10i6zC was not confirmed (2019 Nov. 28.17 UT) = unidentified, e=.69, P=~1 day, i=32.7, Ω = 41.3
A10hwSu was not a minor planet (2019 Nov. 7.75 UT) = unidentified
TMG0011 was not a minor planet (2019 Nov. 7.75 UT) = unknown ETBO,  P=1840m, e=.4681, i=42.4, AMR=42 
C0QJ031 was not a minor planet (2019 Nov. 4.39 UT) = unknown, P=1247m, e=.801 +/- 0.002, i=11.21 +/ 0.02, Ω = 7.5 +/ 0.1
C0QJGE1 was not a minor planet (2019 Nov. 4.38 UT) = unknown, P=1588m, e=0.632 +/- 0.005, i=12.93 +/- 0.01, Ω = 16.8 +/- 0.2
A10hmBt was not a minor planet (2019 Oct. 28.98 UT) = unknown;  P=1571m, e=.75, i=28.8
C19AHZ2 was not a minor planet (2019 Oct. 25.90 UT) = 2019-021B = NORAD 44187 = Falcon 9 booster
A10gQ45 was not a minor planet (2019 Oct. 18.59 UT) = 1967-040F = NORAD 02770 = Transtage 10 
ZTF07u6 was not a minor planet (2019 Oct. 3.20 UT);  no good artsat orbits;  probably a rock
ZTF07rP was not a minor planet (2019 Sept. 29.87 UT) = 1999-040B = Chandra X-Ray Observatory (CXO)
C0F3591 was not a minor planet (2019 Sept. 23.74 UT) = unidentified,  2.2-day orbit;  likely a recovery of 'Multijunk' = C05GHG1 = unidentified empty trash bag object
C0ZFRU2 was not a minor planet (2019 Sept. 22.88 UT) = unidentified,  3.8-day orbit;  likely an ETBO
ZTF06s0 was not a minor planet (2019 Sept. 8.92 UT) = 2019-021B = NORAD 44187 = Falcon 9 booster
ZTF06bl was not a minor planet (2019 Sept. 3.64 UT) = 2019-021B = NORAD 44187 = Falcon 9 booster
ZTF06NO was not a minor planet (2019 Sept. 3.63 UT) = 1995-062B = NORAD 23716 = ISO (Infrared Space Observatory) booster
ZTF06NN was not a minor planet (2019 Sept. 2.60 UT) = 2019-021B = NORAD 44187 = Falcon 9 booster
S511700 was not a minor planet (2019 Sept. 2.60 UT) = 2019-021B = NORAD 44187 = Falcon 9 booster
ZTF06bm was not a minor planet (2019 Sept. 2.60 UT) = 1999-040B = Chandra X-Ray Observatory (CXO)
ZTF06CH does not exist (2019 Aug. 31.10UT) = 2019-021B = NORAD 44187 = Falcon 9 booster
ZTF06HO was not a minor planet (2019 Aug. 31.09 UT) = 1999-040B = Chandra X-Ray Observatory (CXO)
M60AGG9 was not a minor planet (2019 Aug. 20.60 UT) = probably just bad astrometry;  should have been "does not exist"
ZTF05HD was not confirmed (2019 Aug. 05.80 UT) = 2002-048A = NORAD 27540 = INTEGRAL
ZTF05BG was not a minor planet (2019 July 30.80 UT) = 1964-040B = NORAD 00837 = Vela 2B
A10f7FB was not a minor planet (2019 July 27.88 UT) = 1999-040D = Chandra booster
OFDTF01 was not a minor planet (2019 July 27.11 UT) = 1985-016F = geosynch (e=0.00, P=1449m, i=13.9)
A10eXzz was not a minor planet (2019 July 22.00 UT) = 2019-040B = Spektr-RG booster
A10eWqu was not a minor planet (2019 July 20.79 UT) = 2019-040A = Spektr-RG
ZTF053M was not a minor planet (2019 July 16.08 UT) = 1997-075B = Equator-S
ZTF051r was not a minor planet (2019 July 13.98 UT) = 2012-003B = NORAD 38071
ZTF045N was not a minor planet (2019 July 6.61 UT) = unid (P=1760m, i=4.5, Ω=342.9)
ZTF04Jh was not a minor planet (2019 July 5.87 UT) = ZTF03ca,  probably (i=10.7,P=1626m, Ω=282.29, ETBO if the link is right)
ZTF03nn was not a minor planet (2019 July 3.66 UT) = unid,  might be a rock;  4.5-min arc,  can't say much about it
ZTF03nl was not a minor planet (2019 July 3.64 UT) = unid (P=1540m, i=9.2, Ω=132.2)
ZTF045Q was not a minor planet (2019 July 3.64 UT) = unid (P=1360m, i=32.4, Ω=50.7)
C0T2J32 was not a minor planet (2019 July 3.64 UT) = unid ETBO, i=12.4, e=.892, Ω=118.9
971A073 was not a minor planet (2019 July 2.45 UT) = 1967-040F = NORAD 02770 = Transtage 10 
ZTF03vx was not a minor planet (2019 July 2.45 UT) = unidentified,  might be a rock; i = 13 +/- 2, Ω=302+/-16 if it is an artsat
ZTF03vy was not a minor planet (2019 July 2.45 UT) = 2007-004G = THEMIS booster
ZTF03iz was not a minor planet (2019 June 27.65 UT) = unidentified (i=12, Ω=67 +/- 3,  but might actually be a rock... probably not,  though)
ZTF03nj was not a minor planet (2019 June 26.78 UT) = unidentified (i=23.4, e=.835, P=1270m,  might be ETBO or about to reënter)
S511514 was not a minor planet (2019 June 15.86 UT) = unidentified empty trash bag object (P=1440m, e=0.641, i=6.125, Ω=291.395)
ZTF03cA was not a minor planet (2019 June 9.91 UT) = unidentified (P=1622m, e=0.605, i=11.35), maybe links to ZTF04Jh
ZTF03Pc was not a minor planet (2019 June 4.01 UT) = unidentified (P=1440m, e=0.503, i=19.235, Ω=61.67)
W00OIgm was not a minor planet (2019 June 4.01 UT) = 2012-011B = NORAD 38099
A10e88r was not a minor planet (2019 June 3.96 UT) = 'Multijunk' = C05GHG1 = unidentified empty trash bag object, P=2.23d
A10dYc6 was not a minor planet (2019 May 29.83 UT) = 1967-040F = NORAD 02770 = Transtage 10 
C001UG3 was not a minor planet (2019 May 5.63 UT) = 1975-007A = NORAD 07625
C001U53 was not a minor planet (2019 May 5.24 UT) = 'Multijunk' = C05GHG1 = unidentified empty trash bag object, P=2.23d
ZTF035w was not a minor planet (2019 May 4.87 UT) = unidentified (P=1475m, e=0.812, i=30.57, Ω=44.1)
ZTF037c was not a minor planet (2019 May 3.83 UT) = unidentified (P=1422m, e=0.69, i=18.35, Ω=23.6)
TMG0003 was not a minor planet (2019 Apr. 23.11 UT) = 2007-004G = THEMIS booster
P10N2t2 was not confirmed (2019 Apr. 22.50 UT) = 2013-074A = Gaia
ZTF02yY was not a minor planet (2019 Apr. 12.87 UT) = 1964-040B = NORAD 00837 = Vela 2B
C0F9L02 was not a minor planet (2019 Apr. 9.41 UT) = C05GHG1 = unidentified empty trash bag object, P=2.23d
C073CX1 was not a minor planet (2019 Apr. 6.57 UT) = C05GHG1 = unidentified empty trash bag object, P=2.23d
ZTF02so was not a minor planet (2019 Mar. 25.94 UT) = 1963-039A = NORAD 00674 = C04TQC1 = Vela 1A 
C05GRM1 was not a minor planet (2019 Mar. 15.78 UT) = 1973-078A = IMP-8
C05GHG1 was not a minor planet (2019 Mar. 15.56 UT) = C073CX1 = unidentified empty trash bag object, P=2.23d
C05KK61 was not a minor planet (2019 Mar. 15.55 UT) = unidentified,  might be a rock; i near 18, Ω 17 if it's an artsat
C04W5Q1 was not a minor planet (2019 Mar. 6.47 UT) = C05GHG1 = unidentified empty trash bag object, P=2.23d
C04TQC1 was not a minor planet (2019 Mar. 6.47 UT) = 1963-039A = NORAD 00674 = ZTF02so = Vela 1A 
C03KJH1 was not a minor planet (2019 Feb. 12.48 UT) = 2007-004D = Themis-D 
ZTF02rz was not a minor planet (2019 Feb. 10.11 UT) = unidentified (P=1710m, e=.85, i=12)
ZTF02s1 was not a minor planet (2019 Feb. 10.09 UT) = ZTF02ry = ZTF02s1
ZTF02ry was not a minor planet (2019 Feb. 10.09 UT) = ZTF02ry = ZTF02s1
ZTF02rw was not a minor planet (2019 Feb. 10.06 UT) = ZTF02Uy = ZTF02V0 = ZTF02rw 
ZTF02Uz was not a minor planet (2019 Feb. 8.89 UT) = unidentified, i=31 (roughly)
ZTF02V0 was not a minor planet (2019 Feb. 8.89 UT) = ZTF02Uy = ZTF02V0 = ZTF02rw 
ZTF02Uy was not a minor planet (2019 Feb. 8.89 UT) = ZTF02Uy = ZTF02V0 = ZTF02rw 
ZTF02Rn was not a minor planet (2019 Jan. 31.76 UT) = ZTF02Rj = unknown tiny object in 2.2-day orbit
C02MQ61 was not a minor planet (2019 Jan. 31.61 UT) = 2007-004D = Themis-D 
C02MT51 was not a minor planet (2019 Jan. 31.61 UT) = 2007-004E = Themis-E 
ZTF02Rj was not a minor planet (2019 Jan. 31.47 UT) = ZTF02Rn = unknown tiny object in 2.2-day orbit
A10bMLz was not a minor planet (2019 Jan. 26.02 UT) = unknown object in translunar orbit
JNS023 was not a minor planet (2019 Jan. 12.96 UT) = 1969-046D = NORAD 03954 = Vela 5a = JNS023 = ZTF02BI = A10boIy
A10boIy was not a minor planet (2019 Jan. 12.91 UT) = 1969-046D = NORAD 03954 = Vela 5a = JNS023 = ZTF02BI = A10boIy
ZTF02BI was not a minor planet (2019 Jan. 12.83 UT) = 1969-046D = NORAD 03954 = Vela 5a = JNS023 = ZTF02BI = A10boIy
ZTF02CP was not a minor planet (2019 Jan. 11.16 UT) = unknown artsat (P=2.943d, i=23.8)
ZTF029Y was not a minor planet (2019 Jan. 5.09 UT) = 1983-020A = ASTRON 
ZTF027c was not a minor planet (2019 Jan. 5.09 UT) = 1983-020A = ASTRON 
A10aQQT was not a minor planet (2018 Dec. 27.90 UT) = 2013-070B = Chang'e 3 booster
ZY17BCD was not a minor planet (2018 Dec. 20.08 UT) = 2016-031B = S510599
A10aHKA was not a minor planet (2018 Dec. 17.07 UT) = 2018-103B = NORAD 43846 = Chang'e 4 booster
A10aJ9U was not a minor planet (2018 Dec. 17.07 UT) = 2010-050B = Chang'e 2 booster
A10aHTz was not a minor planet (2018 Dec. 16.03 UT) = 2015-019C = NORAD 41929 = S509356 = WJ2AD07
ZTF01wl was not a minor planet (2018 Dec. 11.47 UT) = ZTF01sS = ZTF01sX = ZTF01wl (Empty Trash Bag Object)
A10aElg was not a minor planet (2018 Dec. 11.09 UT) = 2011-037A = SPEKTR-R
ZTF01wS was not a minor planet (2018 Dec. 10.89 UT) = 2007-004G = THEMIS booster
ZX13D7B was not a minor planet (2018 Dec. 10.59 UT) = 2007-004G = THEMIS booster
A10azqL was not a minor planet (2018 Dec. 09.62 UT) = 2018-103B = NORAD 43846 = Chang'e 4 booster 
ZTF01sX was not a minor planet (2018 Dec. 05.98 UT) = ZTF01sS = ZTF01sX = ZTF01wl (Empty Trash Bag Object)
ZTF01sS was not a minor planet (2018 Dec. 05.98 UT) = ZTF01sS = ZTF01sX = ZTF01wl (Empty Trash Bag Object)
A10amie was not a minor planet (2018 Dec. 04.73 UT) = 2013-070B = Chang'e 3 booster
ZTF01rZ was not a minor planet (2018 Dec. 04.07 UT) = unidentified (e=0.822, P=1500m, i=35.5)
ZTF01nf was not a minor planet (2018 Nov. 20.14 UT) = unidentified (e=0.780, P=1378m, i=32.97)
ZTF01nb was not a minor planet (2018 Nov. 20.14 UT) = 1977-093E = NORAD 32705 = Blok SO-L 
ZW0621F was not a minor planet (2018 Nov. 20.14 UT) = 2011-037A = SPEKTR-R
ZTF01nQ was not a minor planet (2018 Nov. 12.94 UT) = unidentified (e=0.62, P=2022m, i=38.4)
ZV2F779 was not a minor planet (2018 Nov. 12.93 UT) = unidentified (e=0.642, P=3160m, i=26.7)
ZTF01ik was not a minor planet (2018 Nov. 12.93 UT) = 2000-041B = NORAD 26411 = Cluster II-FM7
ZTF01gE was not a minor planet (2018 Nov. 12.93 UT) = ZTF00Y9 = ZTF00Yp = ZTF00ah
ZV39AEB was not a minor planet (2018 Nov. 11.69 UT) = 2011-037A = SPEKTR-R
ZTF01aQ was not confirmed (2018 Nov. 11.07 UT) = unidentified (e=0.74, P=1890m, i=29.8)
ZTF01cw was not a minor planet (2018 Nov. 07.07 UT) = ZTF00Y9 = ZTF00Yp = ZTF00ah
ZV29964 was not a minor planet (2018 Nov. 03.67 UT) = 2011-037H = TA29DCF = Spektr-R booster
ZTF01aH was not a minor planet (2018 Nov. 02.66 UT) = 1983-020D = ASTRON booster
ZV29964 was not a minor planet (2018 Nov. 02.48 UT) = 2011-037H = TA29DCF = Spektr-R booster
A109uJh was not a minor planet (2018 Oct. 28.04 UT) = 2013-070B = Chang'e 3 booster
ZTF01ZJ was not a minor planet (2018 Oct. 13.62 UT) = unidentified junk (P=1502m, e=0.767, i=34.1)
JNS021 was not a minor planet (2018 Oct. 10.43 UT) = 2011-037H = TA29DCF = Spektr-R booster
ZT1390D was not a minor planet (2018 Oct. 05.77 UT) = 2011-037A = SPEKTR-R
ZT13429 was not a minor planet (2018 Oct. 05.54 UT) = 9O0DC57 (unidentified,  2.26-day orbit)
A108WQL was not a minor planet (2018 Oct. 03.06 UT) = 1964-040A = NORAD 00836 = Vela 2A
A108QVa was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 24.69 UT) = 2013-070B = Chang'e 3 booster
ZTF01Xb was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 22.80 UT) = ZTF00hf = ZTF00YB
ZTF01Vs was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 22.52 UT) = ZTF00hf = ZTF00YB
M152gWW was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 20.56 UT) = 2011-037A = SPEKTR-R
M152gWr was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 19.97 UT) = 2011-037A = SPEKTR-R
M152gWN does not exist (2018 Sept. 19.48 UT) = 2011-037A = SPEKTR-R
M152gWp does not exist (2018 Sept. 19.38 UT) = 2011-037A = SPEKTR-R
ZS0BB63 was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 18.56 UT) = 2011-037A = SPEKTR-R
ZS09798 was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 18.50 UT) = 1964-040B = NORAD 00837 = Vela 2B
ZTF00pm was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 18.44 UT) = ZTF00pm = ZTF01Ls = unidentified
ZTF01Ls was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 18.44 UT) = ZTF00pm = ZTF01Ls = unidentified
A108DdQ was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 17.56 UT) = 1999-040B = Chandra X-Ray Observatory (CXO)
A108wqT was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 15.06 UT) = 9O0DC57 (unidentified,  2.26-day orbit)
ZTF017j was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 15.06 UT) = unidentified artsat (e=.787, i=17, P=1543m)
ZR002D5 was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 12.66 UT) = 9O0DC57 (unidentified,  2.26-day orbit)
ZTF00lH was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 10.97 UT) = unidentified (P=1310m, e=.69, i=16.3)
ZTF00hf was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 09.62 UT) = ZTF00hf = ZTF00YB
ZTF00ah was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 09.06 UT) = ZTF00Y9 = ZTF00Yp = ZTF00ah
ZTF00Yp was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 09.06 UT) = ZTF00Y9 = ZTF00Yp = ZTF00ah
ZTF00Y9 was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 09.06 UT) = ZTF00Y9 = ZTF00Yp = ZTF00ah
ZTF00YB was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 02.90 UT) = ZTF00hf = ZTF00YB
ZTF00Y5 was not a minor planet (2018 Sept. 02.89 UT) = ZTF00V9 = ZTF00Vv = ZTF00Y5 = unidentified object 
ZTF00Wo was not a minor planet (2018 Aug. 24.86 UT) = 2018-038A = TESS 
ZTF00Vv was not a minor planet (2018 Aug. 22.60 UT) = ZTF00V9 = ZTF00Vv = ZTF00Y5 = unidentified object 
A1085Up was not a minor planet (2018 Aug. 20.83 UT) = 1992-044A = GEOTAIL
ZTF00V9 was not a minor planet (2018 Aug. 20.63 UT) = ZTF00V9 = ZTF00Vv = ZTF00Y5 = unidentified object 
ZTF00TT was not a minor planet (2018 July 30.96 UT) = 2002-048A = NORAD 27540 = INTEGRAL
ZTF00TQ was not a minor planet (2018 July 27.94 UT) = 1964-054A = NORAD 00879 = OGO 1
ZTF00Sz was not a minor planet (2018 July 22.75 UT) = 2002-048A = NORAD 27540 = INTEGRAL
A107EL8 was not a minor planet (2018 July 17.87 UT) = 1964-054A = NORAD 00879 = OGO 1
JNS014 was not a minor planet (2018 July 10.85 UT) = 2012-003B = NORAD 38071 
A107p2k was not a minor planet (2018 June 24.18 UT) = 1977-093A = Prognoz-6 
A107p2k (sic) was not a minor planet (2018 June 23.88 UT) = 1977-093A = Prognoz-6 
S511443 was not a minor planet (2018 June 22.71 UT) = unidentified object
ZL22D13 was not a minor planet (2018 June 10.62 UT) = 2015-007B = DSCOVR booster
ZL22902 was not a minor planet (2018 June 10.50 UT) = 2007-004G = THEMIS booster
A106ZsZ was not a minor planet (2018 May 22.76 UT) = ZK1AE47 = Queqiao booster = 2018-045D 
A106Zt0 was not a minor planet (2018 May 22.76 UT) = ZK1AE48 = Queqiao = 2018-045A 
ZJ15031 was not a minor planet (2018 May 15.44 UT) =  1965-058B = NORAD 01459 = Vela 3B 
A106N61 was not a minor planet (2018 May 10.85 UT) = 2010-050B = Chang'e 2 booster
ZJ110D0 was not a minor planet (2018 May 09.74 UT) = 2010-050B = Chang'e 2 booster
A106IND was not a minor planet (2018 Apr. 18.82 UT) = 2007-004G = THEMIS booster 
JNS007 was not a minor planet (2018 Apr. 17.43 UT) = 2012-003B = NORAD 38071 
ZGBD4BF was not a minor planet (2018 Apr. 12.74 UT) =  1965-058B = NORAD 01459 = Vela 3B 
P10H0yb was not confirmed (2018 Mar. 24.73 UT) = 2013-074A = Gaia
ZD8FCAE = 2018 DM₄ (2018 Mar. 12.73) = unknown artsat  (3.7-day orbit, i=7; probably Vela junk)
ZTF00HU was not a minor planet (2018 Mar. 8.97 UT) = unknown artsat  (1.06-day orbit, i=41;  no idea what it is)
ZTF00HT was not a minor planet (2018 Mar. 7.94 UT) = S510923 (probable SOLRAD-11 hardware)
ZB02596 was not a minor planet (2018 Jan. 20.62 UT) = 1992-044A = GEOTAIL
ZB01E6F was not a minor planet (2018 Jan. 19.65 UT) = 2013-070B = Chang'e 3 booster
A105Vpa was not a minor planet (2018 Jan. 13.11 UT) = 2011-037H = Spektr-R booster
YYBA961 was not a minor planet (2017 Dec. 20.99 UT) = Themis-D = 2007-004D
YX2674E was not a minor planet (2017 Dec. 16.65 UT) = 2007-004D = THEMIS-D 
YX205B9 was not a minor planet (2017 Dec. 9.17 UT) = 2010-050B = Chang'e 2 booster
YW1DDB6 was not a minor planet (2017 Nov. 28.13 UT) = 1965-058B = Vela 3B 
YW1C24A was not a minor planet (2017 Nov. 27.49 UT) = unknown maneuvering object
YW14A15 was not a minor planet (2017 Nov. 22.48 UT) = 1963-039C = NORAD 00692 = Vela 1B
YW0F709 was not a minor planet (2017 Nov. 16.99 UT) = 2007-004D = Themis-D
A104JWr was not a minor planet (2017 Oct. 31.07 UT) = 2016-031B = S510599
YU04D17 was not a minor planet (2017 Oct. 28.84 UT) = 2011-037A = SPEKTR-R
A104F4L was not a minor planet (2017 Oct. 28.80 UT) = unknown maneuvering object
YU3F416 was not a minor planet (2017 Oct. 26.41 UT) = unknown maneuvering object
YUA31FA was not a minor planet (2017 Oct. 24.42 UT) = unknown maneuvering object
A104shw was not a minor planet (2017 Oct. 12.03 UT) = unknown maneuvering object
YT273BF was not a minor planet (2017 Oct. 11.71 UT) = unknown maneuvering object
YT273BF was not a minor planet (2017 Oct. 11.71 UT) = YS18A5C etc. =
   unknown maneuvering object
A104mHe was not a minor planet (2017 Oct. 4.52 UT) = MMS still in daylight phase
A104mHa was not a minor planet (2017 Oct. 2.70 UT) = MMS still in daylight phase
   The above two were arcminutes apart.  The Multiscale Magnetospheric Satellites
   are a tight cluster of four satellites.
A104lks was not a minor planet (2017 Sept. 30.85 UT) = unknown maneuvering object
A104dMW was not a minor planet (2017 Sept. 27.08 UT) =  2015-007B = DSCOVR booster
A104ayW was not a minor planet (2017 Sept. 26.77 UT) = YS18A5C = YS16534 = A104ayW
         = unknown maneuvering object
YS1D210 was not a minor planet (2017 Sept. 26.50 UT) = 2002-048A = INTEGRAL
YSAE1BF was not a minor planet (2017 Sept. 25.63 UT) = 2002-048A = INTEGRAL
YS16534 was not confirmed (2017 Sept. 24.76 UT),  but was = YS18A5C = A104ayW
         = unknown maneuvering object
A10422t was not a minor planet (2017 Sept. 20.89 UT) = OSIRIS-REx = 2016-055A
YS18A5C was not a minor planet (2017 Sept. 20.48 UT) = YS18A5C = YS16534 = A104ayW
            = A104lks = unknown maneuvering object
A103Plg was not a minor planet (2017 Sept. 12.88 UT) = 2002-048A = INTEGRAL
A103gra was not a minor planet (2017 Aug. 7.73 UT) =  2015-007B = DSCOVR booster
A102PtH was not a minor planet (2017 June 29.94 UT) = 2002-048A = INTEGRAL
YJ8E84E was not a minor planet (2017 May 5.49 UT) = 2010-050B = Chang'e 2 booster
A102rYH was not a minor planet (2017 May 4.80 UT) (= Chang'e 2 booster = 2010-050B)
A102mZM was not a minor planet (2017 Apr. 16.10 UT) (= Jovian moon J11 (Carme))
YE86B74 was not a minor planet (2017 Mar. 8.54 UT) (=artsat, q=8,900km, P=1,395m, e=0.79, H=33.3)
DR0144 was not a minor planet (2017 Mar. 3.51 UT) (= DR0143 = 2010-058A - Meridian 3)
YDBE38D was not a minor planet (2017 Feb. 24.73 UT) (=IMP-7 = 06197U = 1972-073A)
YDBCB9B was not a minor planet (2017 Feb. 23.56 UT) (= 2007-004G = Themis booster)
YDB93D4 was not a minor planet (2017 Feb. 22.58 UT) (= unidentified art sat,
    q = 11000km, P=1405m, e=0.732, i=5.5?)
YCB3006 was not a minor planet (2017 Feb. 5.62 UT) (= unidentified art sat,
    q=27,000km, a=82,000km, e=0.67, i= 5?, P=2.7d, H=33)
YCB2EAD was not a minor planet (2017 Feb. 5.62 UT) (=unidentified art sat)
YB98FF0 was not a minor planet (2017 Jan. 26.54 UT) (q=8,500km, Q=84,000km,
     a=46,000km, e=0.816, i=18?, P=1.14d)
YA90431 was not a minor planet (2016 Jan. 9.75 UT) (=2011-037A = SPEKTR-R)
A101CTf was not a minor planet (2016 Jan. 9.75 UT) (=2011-037A = SPEKTR-R)
XY0AC11 was not a minor planet (2016 Dec. 19.19 UT) (= 9O0DC57)
XWA402E was not a minor planet (2016 Nov. 26.55 UT) (= unidentified art sat,
     P=3.6d, i=34?)
XW99CEC was not a minor planet (2016 Nov. 19.60 UT) (= art sat XV902A4)

XV902A4 was not a minor planet (2016 Nov. 11.60 UT) (= XW99CEC, q~17,350km, e~0.791,
     a~82,950km, incl.~18.1, P~2.75d)
XUA93AC was not a minor planet (2016 Oct. 21.56 UT) (=9O0DC57)
XSE131F was not a minor planet (2016 Sept. 25.74 UT) (=9O0DC57)
ARO9271 was not a minor planet (2016 Sept. 24.61 UT) (=IMP-7 = 06197U = 1972-073A)
S510942 was not a minor planet (2016 Sept. 23.00 UT) (P=1458m, i=25.5?, e=.48);
     probably related to 038001s
S510923 was not a minor planet (2016 Sept. 5.07 UT) (P=7702m/5.35d, e=.03, i=38.4?);
     probably SOLRAD 11 hardware
P10wKxy was not a minor planet (2016 Aug. 27.09 UT) (= 2013-070B = NORAD 39459 =
     Chang'e 3 booster)
S510599 was not a minor planet (2016 Aug. 5.55 UT) (= 2016-031B = NORAD 41553:
     P=1947m, e=.87, i=22.2?)
XN9B63A was not a minor planet (2016 July 12.65 UT) (= 1983-020D)
XL8D89E was not a minor planet (2016 June 9.76 UT) (probably = 6Q0B44E, q=802,000km, a=880,000km,
     e=0.088, i=32?, P=95d, H=30.1)
S509590 was not a minor planet (2016 May 29.84 UT) (= 2009-068B = NORAD 36109 =
     WF0AEDA = WGS 3 rk)
S509559 was not a minor planet (2016 May 11.11 UT) (= probable Vela art sat:
     P=6733m/4.68d, e=.45, i=13?)
A100BHx was not a minor planet (2016 May 7.48 UT) (=2011-037A = SPEKTR-R)
S509434 was not a minor planet (2016 Apr. 19.74 UT) (= 2013-041B = NORAD 39224 = WGS 6 Rk)
LM05M27 was not a minor planet (2016 Apr. 11.65 UT)
LM056yj was not a minor planet (2016 Apr. 11.65 UT)
S509356 was not a minor planet (2016 Apr. 8.78 UT) (= WJ2AD07 = 2015-019C = NORAD 41929)
LM057MD was not a minor planet (2016 Mar. 31.83 UT) (= Jupiter satellite J8 (Pasiphae))
LM057QR was not a minor planet (2016 Mar. 31.83 UT) (= Jupiter satellite J9 (Sinope))
XF38FAC was not a minor planet (2016 Mar. 20.63 UT) =  2015-007B = DSCOVR booster
M70pEOH was not a minor planet (2016 Mar. 16.07 UT) (= ExoMars2)
M70pEQ1 was not a minor planet (2016 Mar. 16.07 UT) (= ExoMars2)
M70pGbh was not a minor planet (2016 Mar. 15.60 UT) (= ExoMars1)
M70pF8A was not a minor planet (2016 Mar. 15.60 UT) (= ExoMars1)
M70pEPX was not a minor planet (2016 Mar. 15.60 UT) (= ExoMars1)
XE9C2B4 was not a minor planet (2016 Mar. 3.54 UT) (artificial satellite,
     q=15,000km, e=0.696, a= 49,300km, P=1.26d, H=35)
XE2BED3 was not a minor planet (2016 Mar. 1.72 UT)
XC23519 was not a minor planet (2016 Feb. 14.24 UT) = 2007-004A = Themis-A
XC83E0D was not a minor planet (2016 Feb. 8.80 UT) (= 1976-023C = SOLRAD 11A = NORAD 08748 =
XC1CF5F was not a minor planet (2016 Feb. 7.60 UT) = 2007-004D = Themis-D
XB17DFE was not a minor planet (2016 Jan. 31.58 UT) (but possibly could have
     actually been a minor planet)
XB134E9 was not a minor planet (2016 Jan. 21.63 UT) = 1965-058A = Vela 3a
XB134E9 was not a minor planet (2016 Jan. 21.50 UT) = 1965-058A = Vela 3a
XA0D00E was not a minor planet (2016 Jan. 12.66 UT)
     (= 32705 = 1977-093E = SL-6 R/B(2))
XA0BC12 was not a minor planet (2016 Jan. 12.64 UT) = 1965-058A = Vela 3a

Explanation of ETBO = Empty Trash Bag Object

Much of what appears in the above list are "Empty Trash Bag Objects". These are known elsewhere as "HAMR" (High Area Mass Ratio) objects; I was unaware of the latter acronym when I coined the former. They are presumed bits of aluminized plastic insulation (such as Mylar®) that show very strong non-gravitational effects from solar radiation pressure. Almost all are in highly elliptical orbits with a period of about one day, although we've tracked one ("Multijunk") in a ~2.2-day orbit for seven years, and a very few have been found in still higher orbits. There are probably a lot of them in more circular and/or lower orbits, but the planetary surveys ignore anything moving above a certain angular rate.

The name refers to the fact that solar radiation pressure pushes them mostly away from the sun, but with varying force and with some "sideways" force, like an empty trash bag being blown down the street. This makes it difficult to predict their motion very far in advance.