[Neocp_artsats] P11YBmN = 2019-040A = Spektr-RG

Bill Gray pluto at projectpluto.com
Tue Sep 10 18:02:33 EDT 2024

    As above.  I don't know how this slipped on to NEOCP;  seems to me 
it really should have been identified as an artsat.  The observations 
are quite good,  and the current trajectory of this object (which is an 
X-ray and gamma-ray telescope at the Earth-Sun L2 point) is 
well-determined.  It really should have been picked up routinely.

    At the Earth-Sun L2 point,  we currently have this object,  JWST, 
Euclid,  and Gaia.  Chang'e-6 should join them soon.  We don't get data 
on Euclid or Gaia very often (they're faint,  especially Gaia),  but the 
others show up every now and then.  Of course,  none of them gets very 
far from opposition,  which helps.

    Currently on NEOCP,  we've got one other definite artsat and a 
"probably" :

  * A11ayl3,  the communications satellite 2024-115A = NORAD 60086 = 
SES-24,  mentioned in a previous message on this list.  It's maneuvering 
and will probably appear again (and possibly again and again,  sadly).

  * A11aDOM,  which I am reasonably sure is an ETBO (not sure enough to 
encourage MPC to remove it,  though;  it _could_ be a rock.)  I'm 
keeping an eye open for an object with a matching inclination and 
ascending node;  if found,  that would confirm it nicely.

-- Bill

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