[Neocp_artsats] A11a8W6 is a known ETBO
Bill Gray
pluto at projectpluto.com
Thu Sep 5 11:59:17 EDT 2024
This object links to ZTs0274 = ZTs0271 = A11a8W6, which were on
NEOCP on September 1, August 31, and August 24, respectively :
The initial arc was a little weak, and the object ended up about a
quarter degree off prediction with the motion wonky enough to keep
Sat_ID from figuring it out.
On another note : Scott Tilley has set up a 'Deep Space Tracking
List' that may be of interest to some on this list :
The focus is a little broader (tracking of a variety of artificial
objects, not just those that get mistaken for possible rocks), but I
expect that some of the information on that list will be useful for us
asteroid-hunting folk.
-- Bill
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