[Neocp_artsats] A11aCVf = A11ayl3 = known geostationary satellite

Bill Gray pluto at projectpluto.com
Tue Sep 3 16:06:55 EDT 2024

    Specifically,  this is 2024-115A = NORAD 60086,  the SES-24 (also 
known as Astra 1P) communications satellite :



    This was launched on June 20 and (says Wikipedia) "will take several 
months to reach geostationary orbit".  In the meantime,  it may appear 
again and again on NEOCP,  because (a) TLEs aren't a great fit for an 
object moving on electric thrusters and (b) Space-Track hasn't kept up 
with it;  their TLEs missed A11ayl3 by 4.6 degrees and A11aCVf by 5.6 

-- Bill

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