[Neocp_artsats] A10F6Vd = A10F6Vc on NEOCP linked to older junk

Bill Gray pluto at projectpluto.com
Fri Feb 4 10:22:33 EST 2022

    Specifically,  a couple of ATLAS tracklets from Jan 31 and 26.  TLEs 
computed and posted.

-- Bill

Orbital elements:  A10F6Vd = A10F6Vc = A10ExeQ = A10Evux
    Perigee 2022 Jan 30.8962518 +/- 0.00108 TT = 21:30:36.15 (JD 
A1: 6.97e-6 +/- 1.26e-7   A2: -1.6e-7 +/- 1.92e-8   A3: -7.57e-8 +/- 
9.36e-9 AU/day^2 [1/r^2]
Epoch 2022 Jan 31.0 TT = JDT 2459610.5                        Find_Orb
M  37.5647639173 +/- 0.37           (J2000 equator)
n 362.0761748107 +/- 0.00959        Peri.  339.6043239 +/- 0.09
a 42079.464772 +/- 0.743            Node   325.8799889 +/- 0.0050
e   0.672259717 +/- 0.000357        Incl.   40.7739798 +/- 0.007
P1431.72m/0.994d           H 32.6   G  0.15   U  9.6
q 13791.135679 +/- 14.9    Q 70367.793865 +/- 15.6
21 of 22 observations 2022 Jan. 26-Feb. 4; mean residual 5".765

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