[Neocp_artsats] C1NHY61 = probable Vela
Bill Gray
pluto at projectpluto.com
Sat Dec 12 08:42:20 EST 2020
The elements are not good enough to allow for an ID, but there
isn't much that would be in this orbit that isn't a Vela. On
the other hand, it's hard to see how this has gone unobserved
for so long. (The answer may lie in the fact that at least at
present, it's not a great northern hemisphere target.)
If it's recovered, I should have an orbit good enough to
run back and identify it. Of the twelve Velas, we have data
for eight, TLEs of doubtful quality for two, and decades-old
TLEs for two. I am reasonably sure that if we get more data,
it can be shown to be one of the last four.
-- Bill
Orbital elements: C1NHY61
Perigee 2020 Dec 11.21190982 +/- 0.0576 TT = 5:05:09.008 (JD 2459194.71190982)
Epoch 2020 Dec 12.0 TT = JDT 2459195.5 Find_Orb
M 65.13700303275 +/- 6 (J2000 equator)
n 82.65171306590 +/- 7.09 Peri. 62.57669348 +/- 4.1
a112659.788944 +/- 6441 Node 218.01853178 +/- 0.10
e 0.5345569936 +/- 0.0226 Incl. 42.96312477 +/- 0.13
P6271.98m/4.356d H 28.5 G 0.15 U 14.1
q 52436.7108580 +/- 4375 Q 172882.867031 +/- 9594
From 12 observations 2020 Dec. 12 (59.8 min); mean residual 0".559
# 1 00000U 20347.00000000 .00000000 00000-0 00000-0 0 09
# 2 00000 042.9611 218.3132 5342682 062.9624 064.6709 00.22767310 04
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